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Old 03-18-2020, 04:30 AM
ArianaBlack ArianaBlack is offline
Default MS LTA: Phase THREE

Long Term Assignment | Babycare: The Muggle Way.

P H A S E _T H R E E: Baby return.

It has been three entire months. You might have grown used to having a baby on hand, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end--including homework! And so, as you begin to prepare for your final examinations of the term, you're asked to stop by the Muggle Studies room to turn in your long term assignment, too.

Finneas is at his desk, reading a periodical. He smiles as you walk in and asks that you take a seat at one of the tables. He'll be with you in a moment to debrief with you in regards to your assignment and for the final assessment of your doll.

OOC: You can only post here if I, ArianaBlack, gave you the ‘go ahead’ in phase 2. All you have to do here is post your charrie showing up. Finneas will then interact with them and we'll do a tiny RP to turn in your assignment & complete this final phase.

* PLEASE NOTE: Due to lack of time, I am no longer requiring a link to an RP for this phase!

IMPORTANT: If choosing to co-parent, please coordinate posting in here with your partner. Co-parenting is not required, just another opportunity to interact with your classmates.

Originally Posted by Users with Permission to Post in This Thread
Anna Banana
Granger Danger
Nordic Witch

SPOILER!!: General Rules as Previously Stated
IC Instructions
  • Each student (or pair, if choosing to co-parent) will receive one baby doll to take care of over the course of the next 3 months & 1 baby bag containing all the essentials for babycare
  • What to know about the dolls? With the aid of technology, the dolls have been programed to dirty nappies, need burping, sleep, get hungry, cry, etc. They have a mechanism that records all sounds and a way to alert your Professor should you think to take the doll apart in search of the recorder. The babies behave in a way that mirrors real children, and they respond to love and affection accordingly. They do not like to be left alone and are rather fragile.
  • What’s in the baby bag? Nappies, bottles, dummy/pacifier, baby food, baby powder, wipes and flannels, etc.
  • Over the course of the next 3 months, you must take your baby with you at all times. Take care to treat it with love (aka feeding it when hungry, burping it when needing a burp, soothing it when it cries, etc). You will be asked to check in with your Professor periodically on the status of your baby. By the end of the 3 month period you will be given a grade based upon how you treated your baby, the baby’s final physical state, and your overall effort in the assignment.

OOC Instructions
  • This long-term assignment will have 3 distinct phases that can be sequentially completed at any time. This means that you cannot move to phase 2 until you have completed phase 1. You cannot move to phase 3 until you have completed phase 2. For each phase a seperate thread will be made (ex. THIS thread is for PHASE 1). If you can’t jump in right when the thread opens, don’t fret! ALL threads will stay open until the final day of the assignment (March 26 2020).
  • For each phase of the assignment, you will simply have to post your character within the thread. I will post Finneas interacting with your character, which will in turn, be a short RP where he will ask questions or ask them to complete a simple task.
  • For the second and third phase, you will be required to provide 1 link to an outside RP in which the baby doll is mentioned, being taken care of, or used.
    While I’m only requiring that you mention the doll in 2 RPs for the sake of the assignment, this could be such a fun opportunity if you’d like to take heed of it and use it for your own plotting purposes! Kid running his own babysitting business as a whole new way of paying a dude to do your homework? Bringing your child to class? Taking them on a casual stroll? HELP--I lost my child in the great lake! …… Lots of fun opportunities! If you can’t think of any come poke me and we can brainstorm together ^^
  • I will unlock the phase 2 & phase 3 threads once a few people have gone through phase 1 in order to stagger things. I’ll post notices on the noticeboard so you know when the threads have been opened!

This assignment will last until MARCH 26 @ 10 PM EST (gmt-5)