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A small smile tugged at her lips as she heard what he named his 'baby'. It wasn't necessarily a name she would have chosen but who was she at all to judge? At least he gave the 'baby' a name AND he seemed to be taking good care of him. "That's a cute name and he's a cutie." Therefore the name fit. "Thank you. I enjoy choosing names that I don't hear very often this is one of them. I also try to go with a name or a meaning that fits well." Plus she ran it by Stefan and he liked the name as well so that was a huge plus.
"I didn't start learning at all until about half-way through my second year? So about five or so years with some breaks in between." She always had a way of taking on way to much and then trying to organize her time to get everything done. Rylee shook her head right away. "No. As much as I enjoy playing I'm not orchestra level. I mainly play to help clear my head and because music has always been a big part of my life."
Rylee listened quietly but only until Minjae had finished speaking. "As long as you're happy with what you're doing and what you're accomplishing than that's the important thing." Happiness was key. "You never know though... you might just be really good at something you don't even know about. Maybe you have a have a hidden talent that hasn't had an opportunity to make itself known yet."
"Seriously?" She couldn't keep from laughing a little. That was something she hadn't heard before. "Good thing you're not ill and they learned that what was happening had cause." He had a chauffeur?? Usually that meant money, which could explain his parents wanting him to learn music so they could brag to their friends and attending big parties. "Being alone can be hard at first but once you make friends it get better." She had always known she would attend Hogwarts, the problem for her was her older sister had been here first which in her eyes meant she had a LOT to live up to.
"It was. In all honesty I shouldn't have even returned at all when term started but that was me being stubborn. Being home for a few months longer really helped." Rylee smiled thankful that he wasn't asking a lot of questions. "Thanks, I appreciate that." Not many people knew what truly happened but if things worked out as planned for her in the next few months she wouldn't care if they knew or not.
Her song choice could have been better but she had gone with a song that was special to her. One she had learned a few years ago and had always helped her through rough times. The more she played, the easier it was for her to relax and focus only on the music. All to soon the final note came and with a gentle sigh, Ry placed her violin and bow down beside her on the bench, eyes finding her small audience again, a light smile on her lips.
Minjae smiled when Rylee called his doll a cutie.
"He is, isn't he?" he said.
"Though, when i get a kid of my own later in life i do think my partner should name the child" he laughed.
"Since i'm horrible at naming... I have two bunnies at home and it took me 3 months until i was satisfied with their names" It was at this moment that the Hufflepuff suddenly stared in front of him and frowned for a good five seconds, lost in thought , before he looked up at Rylee.
"Did i just admitted i wanted to have a child?!" he shivered. Sure, he was pretty good with taking care of a child apparently but having his own one ...that was terrifying! The responsibility!
"Well, i guess i NEED to have a child... since i'm an heir and need to continue my father's and grandfather's company..." he mumbled to himself as he looked at the ground without really seeing it. He shook his head and looked up again, giving a small smile.
"Sorry about that. Mild panic about the future! you know how that goes haha!" Stop rambling, Minjae...
Serafina was definitely a name that he wished he had come up with but he also knew that he would never think of it either. Was he a bit jealous of the name? Yeah...
"You know, the name Serafina reminds me of a mixture of a crystal stone and a warrior name for some reason" he said out of the blue.
So she played the violin to clear her head? Made sense in some way he guessed. Everyone had something or want something they can use to clear their minds with. For him, it was video gaming.
"If you do get in to an orchestra one day i'll make sure every seat is occupied!" he said, his eyes twinkling.
"I'll also ask my dad to hire you for parties!" If she wanted to make extra money with playing the violin of course.
Make friends....Minjae sighed. Did he have friends here at Hogwarts? People who he could trust? Tell his problems to and they would help him out if needed? He wasn't sure...
"Yeah" he said in a cheerful manner because he didn't want to ruin the mood, not just before his very own private concert!
While she was playing, Minjae stared at the expressions on her face. At first, she seemed uneasy, though he couldn't blame her. Playing in front of only one (well two if you count a doll) person was probably more nerve-wracking than playing in front of a whole audience. But the more she played , Minjae could see that she was feeling the music. And when she was done, the Hufflepuff applauded enthusiastically, even using Kiddo's little arms to clap as well.
"That was awesome! What song was that?" he asked.
"You really got lost in the music for a moment there, didn't you?"