Clad in dark leather adorned with sterling silver buckles and buttons, Lucien ran his calloused fingers through his slicked back untidy hair as he stepped inside the establishment. Delegating tasks to the others had been easy, essential, but this was something he would permit no other to handle. He expected to have his selections done by the time Esmee joined him so she could make some of their purchases.
Thick heeled boots dragging across the floor, Lucien moved well passed the mirrors intended for scurrying and communication, pausing in front of one of the vanity displays and pursed his lips while scrutinizing them. Too dainty. Too gaudy. Too heavy...
He required a very specific set of parameters and the less magical modification required in prepping the mirrors for their true purpose the better. Too much magic would muddy the technique.
His fingers twisted around the hair on his chin as he let out a bit of an aggravated sigh and tugged. Perhaps another display would provide better options. These were dismal.