♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣ The next few steps, Jillian had to assemble the ingredients near her. It was her system to not get too overwhelmed with the amount of things they will be using during potions class. She took a couple of the sprigs of Valerian and added 3 of them into the cauldron- leaving 2 of her extras on the table. After which she turned up the heat as demonstrated by Professor Noble. While she was waiting for it to bubble, she returned to her notes and added more of the procedures that she currently doing. She also had the sopophorous bean ready and placed it right next to the cauldron. As soon as she sees the liquid started to bubble up a bit she then added the whole sopophorous bean into the mix.
What was the color again? Blue right? Wait... no. It's suppose to be turquoise blue to be exact. Jillian leaned in closer to her cauldron just to make sure that her results are cooperating with her. As soon as that turquoise blue appears to her liking she quickly took her stirrer that was on her table and stir the mixture in a clockwise motion seven times swiftly. one... two... three... four... five... six... seven.
Giving it another glance just to make sure that the colors did change into pale blue-grey color... Hmmmm…. Is this pale blue-grey enough? It did change into a pale blue-grey ish color but she is just hoping that it matches with the professor's result. Tapping the stirrer on the mouth of the cauldron she then placed it back on her desk again. She reached towards her burner and turned it off, setting the timer again for 3 minutes this time.
Now for the waiting game.
3 minutes.
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