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Having successfully managed to make some kind of carriage/stroller whatever you wish to call it for their baby. Blake and Isla had made their way through the castle out onto the grounds. Fresh air would do them all good right??? Maybe it would help both of them to feel a little less ..... blah... about finishing this assignment. They couldn't give up now ... they both needed the grade after all. "Do you want to walk around the lake .. or just set up a pick nick here? I brought some snacks for us." Blake added pulling out some chips and couple pumpkin pasties.
As she walked out onto the groups of the castle, Isla began to feel somewhat better. The weather was really nice, and for once, Ellie wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs or releasing an extremely smelly diaper. The baby actually seemed content for a while. Good. Maybe 'Mom and Dad' could enjoy their day out!
"You brought along snacks? That was so nice of you," she said, giving her 'husband' a smile.
"Thanks, Blake! Maybe we can do both. We can take a picnic and then a little walk. Whatever we're doing right now, we're doing the right thing." She gestured toward Ellie.
"She's perfectly quiet!" For once.
The newly-turned twelve year old came to a stop beside a nice little shaded area.
"What about here?" she asked. Ohh, pumpkin pasties! Yumm!