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Old 03-11-2020, 10:48 AM   #58 (permalink)

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Soothing solution. Jina didn't think she could give it to her fake baby, firstly because it is fake and secondly it was a Muggle Studies assignment so they probably were not allowed to use too much magic to take care of the kid. But she could probably drink it herself to calm down ... She cleaned her cauldron and measured out 70mL of flobberworm mucus, which she added into the cauldron. She set the cauldron at low heat and proceeded to cut three heads of lavender, leaving the appropriate length of stalk. From the chamomile plant, she cut out four leaves that she deemed to be decent sized.

Now she picked up her silver knife and chopped the chamomile leaves. She followed the professor's advice, which she found to be very effective. With the finely chopped leaves, she measured out a tightly packed tablespoon, trying to be as precise as possible. She carefully sprinkled them evenly over the flobberworm mucus in the cauldron. She set the timer for five minutes to let it simmer. What next? Oh, the lavender heads. This would be the difficult bit. She braided the stalks together by folding the left over the middle, the right over the middle and so on. It was kind of like braiding hair! Not that she braided her hair often, it wasn’t her thing. She tried to be extra careful so that she would not tear the flower heads. Since Potions was one of her strongest subjects and she was now quite experienced with handling ingredients, she quickly got the hang of braiding the stalks. When she successfully got to the end, she tied a knot around the braid using one of the stalks to secure it. This took slightly under five minutes, so when the time of simmering was up she lowered the whole lavender braid into the cauldron. With her ladle, she stirred the mixture twice in the clockwise direction.
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