Professor! <3 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. She already had her knife present and ready for further use. So, it was grabbed again after bunching the chamomile leaves together and holding them down with her left hand. The entire rocking motion that Noble spoke of… well, what did Claudine know of that? She was not that professional with a knife so she cut her leaves as finely as she could using her own method. Once done, she located her tablespoon from her supplies and measured the ‘tightly packed’ amount. Next, the spoon was shaken over the mucus in the cauldron, with Claudine moving the spoon in the diameter of the cauldron.
During that five minutes while the contents simmered, she carefully set to work by braiding the lavender leave stalks. Now she (and everyone) knew why the long stalks were required. Since she braided her own hair, this bit was very easy for her. Even the bit of tying the end of the braid was easy. The timer went off shortly after which meant that her braided stalks were dropped into the cauldron. “Professor.’’ The second year’s left hand went up as the other reached for the stirring instrument. “Why do the stalks need to be braided?’’
One clockwise stir. Two clockwise stirs. |