~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Maybe tea was such a horrible answer that it wasn’t worth wasting time on. Claudine simply blinked at Noble but chose not to say anything. Instead, she pulled her note book closer, scribbled neatly the solution they would be covering and the bit of information about it being less potent. Then she got to the real work.
She checked to ensure her cauldron was clean before proceeding to measuring out the required 70 millimeters of flobberworn mucus. The burner was ignited using magic and set to low. When she made her way to the front of the class to collect the pieces of the plants, Claudine hovered about as she waited for others before her to finish. But soon, she was back in gear using a clean knife to cut away at the lavender flowers. The chamomile leaves require less effort to acquire.
Soon, she was back at her desk with three heads of lavender flowers cut as required and four chamomile leaves that she deemed ‘decent- sized’. |