~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Claudine was on her last piece of fabric now. So far, she had created a few extras and she was continuously feeling pleased with herself. For her last hat, she’d transfigure this cloth into a sunny one. She absently drummed her fingers on the desk as the image for the hat was conjured in her mind. It would have a brim like a cap but the difference was, this brim would go all around the hat instead of just the front. The would be egg-yolk yellow while the brim would be sky blue. “Tectum Caput.” It was to Claudine’s delight that the spell worked for her on the very first attempt. It was rare that she became so adept to one in such a short time. With her poker face back on (even though she was still proud of herself), she packed up her belongings then headed towards the basket to drop the extra hats off. She also returned the moses basket, Christopher was now held over her shoulder. “Bye, Professor.’’
It had been a great lesson. |