This project might have been more than Chloe had thought it would be at the beginning. She really thought it would be easy with having younger siblings, but it wasn't. She didn't know if it was the awkwardness that started with her and her best friend or that fact she was making a rubbish doll mom, but that doll seemed to hate her and love Ewan. She had the doll in her arms when she entered the class and she took a seat towards the back. Ewan would be on his way and she could happily hand off the little one to him. She had been just grateful it wasn't screaming for the moment.
Giving a nod to the ones already there she kept quiet and not moving much as she sat. Mila was not going to cause issues if she could help it. As she sat there she thought about some of the
interactions she had with Mila and Ewan and how great he was at this father to a doll thing.