:3 • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • More students poured in surrounding the courtyard that Curtis was in. It was fully crowded now as he gave a glance to see everyone that was joining in. He caught Missa's unimpressed expression towards him. He rose a brow, What's with her, he thought before giving her a wink. He must look really good for her to notice him in this crowd. Standing all attentive and ready. He smiled softly looking forward when finally the Headmaster arrived.
Oh... yeah, those founders. Salazar disappointed Curtis, he seemed more snobbish than recorded in documents. Maybe that was a side effect of being in a portrait for many centuries. Anyways, he was surprised to hear about De Nostredame no longer returning. Betsy had been captured and returned back home, no longer allowed back at the castle since then. At least no one died like he heard what happened two years ago here.
So now... they were going to split up and find them. Okay. Do we get to choose which team to stick with? Well, then. Curtis looked around to see if anyone was moving toward a Professor.. Without really thinking he found himself walking towards the Headmaster. Last chance to stop him. |