~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. With her confidence elevating, Claudine was ready to create another hat but first… she fit the first completed hat on the sleeping Christopher’s head. It was a little big and drifted down to hover over his closed eyelids. Claudine carefully chucked it up so that it fit better. She’d have to keep an eye on it so that it didn’t become a bother to Christopher.
Now another fabric piece was set before her. This time, the girl envisioned a bubblegum pink hat with red roses sewn onto it at intervals. “Tectum Caput.” The usual was done: clockwise circle then touched the tip of her wand to the fabric. The most important element was also done: a very clear picture of what she wanted the hat to look like was kept in mind.
Unfortunately, not a thing happened. But was Claudine deterred? Not in the slightest. She would just keep trying. And trying.
And trying.
Until… “Tectum Caput.” Success.
Colour this little Snakette proud. |