:'3 • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Curtis stared blankly at the solution the Headmaster had painted out for him. Um, does he not know what an emergency feels like? It hits you randomly, not something you can know ahead of time. Maybe I should slip some U-No-Poo in his drink so he could understand. "I understand now, thank you for letting me know." Curtis gave a small smile.. before letting it drop. He had a feeling his smile would be taken as mischievous. Oh well.
Curtis then waved at the girls before exiting with the Headmaster. Chloe was alright, she had been aggressive with him their first meeting and her older brother was a different story, but now. She was okay and kind of cute. Missa, however, clearly was the type to throw her friends under the bus to keep herself out of trouble. Curtis knew those kind of people back at Primary School, the goodie goodies. Yuck. He didn't get to think anymore when outside though, because the Headmaster wasn't quite done speaking with him.
Welp, that smile dropping helped seal the deal when he was in fact getting detention after all. Curtis almost rolled his eyes. Almost. He didn't. Of course.. He'd probably get detention for blinking if he didn't say anything anyway, Curtis imagined. So instead he just nodded staring directly at the taller man's eyes. "Alright.. will you be chaperoning me or will someone else?" Curtis asked. As annoying and predictable he found the Headmaster somehow he wasn't bothered at the idea of spending another detention with him.
Maybe a chance to redeem himself and finally get him off the hook? Naah, it had to be something else.. Probably to make sure he didn't drown in the swamp. Yeah, that's it. |