Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
He simply nodded at the thanks. It wasn’t much but wasn’t just not offering any sort of help beyond the hand up. Simon fought the urge to chuckle at his, Fletcher’s, handkerchief waving. The recognition seemed to perk him up a bit from the downside of the day. Duncan Fletcher his mind filled in more and more, especially with the reference to the junior undersecretary position. But he always preferred the use of his last name the former Gryffindor remembered. “Yeah I would think so.” Someone who would certainly need a desk with all the work of that department. Plus being the face of the minister before you got to the minister. Couldn’t have visitors think the wrong things.
Right. Here he was knowing the other man’s name now and he hadn’t been nice enough to return the favor. Yet. “Simon,” he answered at first before expanding on it. “Simon Bennett. And yes…I’m head of security.” The air of law enforcement first instilled in his auror training apparently still very much present after all these years. Though he tried to tone it down when he wasn’t at work. So the Head of Security had just been doing his job when helping Fletcher. He nodded in appreciation again. "Well thanks, Simon, for keeping an eye on the atrium. I probably won't be the last victim of these owls." Fletcher scowled for a moment, reminding himself that he needed to come up with a better solution for the memos than bloody owls. But he'd have to deal with that later, as he really needed to go get this crap off him.
"Listen, Simon, I'd love to reminisce with you, but I'm late for a meeting with January, and I have to go home and get cleaned up first. If you see her, uh, will you let her know...?" Fletcher gestured toward his outfit and as if to say, you know. He thought about sending her a patronus, but he'd just pop home, get cleaned up, and pop back before anyone was any wiser.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |