She just nodded as the professor answered her question. She knew she was part of the reason Ewan was being like this and it hurt her heart to have upset her friend, but there was nothing to do about it right now so she turned to her book and started to try to figure out her birth chart. Starting with her birthday, time, and place Chloe began coming up with the chart and figuring out what it all meant.
As she started to write her notes she looked up as the professor started to talk about. Work with a partner?
Hmm... She looked around but her heart just wasn't into being social at this point so she looked back at the work she had done and decided just to read it on her own. If someone wanted to work with her they could come over, but for now, she would just keep quiet and working.
Going through the book she started to read what the birth chart meant. She honestly couldn't believe how much the first house sounded like her and how interesting it was. Taking out her parchment she started to write down notes on what the house meant and how much it did represent her in so many ways. This was not something she ever thought to be true, but this right here could make a believer out of anyone.