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Old 02-20-2020, 01:54 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Helga_Hufflepuff's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 16

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
......... Finneas was confused.

Very. Confused.

"Err... That is.. very kind of you," he smiled uncomfortably, whilst adjusting his grip on the box. Well. This was weird. Finneas hadn't ever received a gift from a historical figure before. "Let's, uh, head to my office...? You can, er, follow me." He paused for a moment or two longer than necessary before turning and leading her towards his office... Which he just came from... This was so very odd.
It was kind of her, wasn’t it? Smiling softly, Helga bowed her head slightly towards the Professor, the platter still firmly in her own hands. For now. Since the Professor’s hands were full.

She nodded again, following at an even and gently pace behind him. The woman was in no rush, yet… They had important business to discuss even if Professor Schmoe didn’t know about it yet.

”Thank you, you are very kind.” Helga said to the Professor as he held his office door open for her. Without waiting for permission - after all she had helped to build the school who could gift her permission?? - she placed the gift on his desk and then gently folded her skirt so that it wouldn’t crease when she sat in one of the chairs.

”Please, sit Professor.” Her nodding and even tone was calming, even as her eyes watched his every movement. Was he eating enough? He didn’t look like he was taking great care of himself, very thin. Hmm. ”Have something to eat while we talk.” She added, mothering him without even thinking about it.

”I wanted to discuss the students with you -- if you think that their health is being looked after properly.” She started, her hands folded easily on top of the many layers of skirt. ”Many of them are far too thin and I have heard talk of babies keeping them awake at all hours.” Yes, she had heard about the babies.
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