~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Is Astrology always this complicated? Claudine wondered as she pondered over the instructions. She had to have them read a few times before she started to piece together what was to be done. Also, it helped that Bernie had started too, as Claudine followed the girl’s lead. “31st July,’’ she responded. “Harry Potter’s birthday.” Right. They did need the location and time. “London too. Three in the morning.’’ And as only Bernie could make possible, Claudine grinned. “We’ve got one thing in common. You’re older by four months.’’ She made a mental note of Bernie’s information, the birthday being the most important one for she felt the need to gift her friend a present.
Still focusing on the instructions, the Snakette began to fill out the chart. After a moment, she paused thoughtfully. “I’m so sure I’m doing this wrong but whatever.” She proceeded to complete the chart. |