~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Friend! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl GASP! Claudine had been right there in front of her nose all along! Bernie tried not to jump back, startled as she was, but she did nearly lose her balance and had to catch herself on the tree trunk to avoid totally falling over.
"Hi, friend." She beamed back at her. Oh, they were looking for centaurs, were they? Maybe they'd see some unicorns too? Not that, like, Bernie cared about that girly stuff or anything except she totally, t o t a l l y did. "I bet they're at least a little ways in. I think they have a big camp here, so it has to be somewhere separate from the acromantulas." She was pretty sure she'd read about Hogwarts' centaurs in at least one of her textbooks.
Claudine saw that; the fact that she had startled Bernie. Thank Merlin the other girl hadn’t fallen over. Claudine gave Bernie an apologetic look but her eyes immediately seemed to brighten as they began talking about what they wanted to see. It was rare that Claudine let her facial expressions betray her but at present, it couldn’t be helped. For at the mention of acromantulas, she wrinkled her face in slight disgust and apprehension. Don’t get her wrong, she liked creatures but acromantulas… they were flesh eaters. “Do you have any idea precisely where the acromantulas live? Don’t fancy running into them…’’ Motioning with her hand, Claudine began to head for the Forest. “Better keep our wands at the ready.’’ Her fingers were wrapped tightly around her own. |