Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite FOURTH YEAR SPELLS: Note: Please note that this list is meant to be used as a guideline only. If you feel as though your charrie can cast spell(s) in another yeargroup's list, please feel free to do so. Just make sure to keep your charrie's age and ability in mind. - Accio - summons object to caster
- Aguamenti - creates a jet of water
- Animation Charm* - brings inanimate objects to life
- Aqua Eructo - creates jet of water which the caster can control
- Aresto Momentum - decreases the speed of a moving object
- Ascendio - lifts target up into the air
- Conjunctivitis Curse - causes pain in the eyes, may cause pink eye
- Densaugeo - causes teeth to grow rapidly
- Depulso - banishes an object
- Descendo - causes target to move downwards
- Drought Charm - dries up puddles of water
- Ebublio - traps target in a bubble
- Episkey - heals minor injuries and broken bones
- Finite Incantatem - terminates effects of all spells in a given area
- Flipenda Tria - more powerful version of Flipendo Duo (pushes or knocks out target)
- Fumos - produces cloud of dark grey smoke
- Furnunculus - causes target to become covered in boils
- Glacius Duo - more powerful version of Glacius (transforms target into solid ice)
- Hair Growth Spell* - causes hair to grow at an alarming rate
- Hair-thickening Charm - thickens the target's hair
- Herbivicus - causes plants to grow into their full size
- Hover Charm - causes target to float in mid-air
- Impedimenta - impedes movement of target towards caster (trip, freeze, bind, knockback, etc)
- Incendio - conjures flames
- Langlock - glues target's tongue to roof of their mouth
- Leek Jinx - produces leeks out of the target's ears
- Lumos Maxima - more powerful version of Lumos Duo (can be used as a projected ball of light)
- Magicus Extremos - powerful throw spell (can increase a spell's power)
- Multicorfors - changes colour of target's clothing
- Orbis - sucks target into the ground, as if made of quicksand
- Protegamur Aqua* - transfigures shoelaces into an umbrella
- Protego - creates a shield against MINOR spells
- Protego Caelum* - repels rainwater
- Reducto - breaks target and, if strong enough, can disintergrate them
- Relashio - causes target to release what it's holding/binding
- Salvio Hexia - can be used to deflect minor hexes
- Silver Shield Spell* - produces a silver shield that can block minor spells
- Smashing Spell - creates explosions
- Stupefy - stuns/knocks out target (not permitted in the club)
- Switching Spell - causes an object to be switched with another
- Tergeo - siphon's liquid
- Unbreakable Charm - causes target to become unbreakable
- Vacavus Maxima* - more powerful version of the Sucking Charm (sucks up objects like a vacuum)
- Ventus Duo - more powerful version of Ventus (creates strong blast of wind from wand)
* = SS canon spells
** = Cursed Child canon spells
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________ 
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |