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She'd won! SHE'D WON! HeAdMaSTeR, sir, did he SEE that she had WON! "I beat you!" Bernie declared as she heard AND SAW Minjae drop his wand. "I WON the first round!!!" Even more importantly than Minaje and Trent recognizing this, Bernie low-key wanted HER founder to hear her and dote on her.
But Minjae was attracting UNNECESSARY attention their way with all his big talk about Slytherin. Ohno, nononononono, no thanks, that guy looked pretty old and scary and DIDN'T HE HATE MUGGLEBORNS?! Bernie was pretty sure that was Slytherin's whole thing, and she did NOT want him coming over here and sniffing her out and realizing that she was nothing more than a Muggle with a wand. Oh noooooooo, why couldn't Minjae have shouted at Gryffindor instead?!
"Shhshshhhhhhhhhhshhhhhh," she loudly stomped her foot at her partner to get his attention. "I don't think you can mess with these guys. Gryffindor pointed his sword at Eiji Rasting when we were---"
Hang on a sec, was he starting another round?! Bernie quickly jerked her neck forward in a half bow, hurriedly muttering, "Protego! protego protego potato protego pretango pregunta protego pomango...." as fast as she could, definitely messing up some of the words in the process, but more scared of embarrassing herself in front of Gryffindor. She was pretty sure she'd said it enough times to block Minaje's next spell though... P R E T T Y sure.
”You only beat me because i let you” he said, rolling his eyes at Bernadette’s excitement. Had he not been distracted and had paid attention he wouldn’t have been beaten that easily. He looked at the Founders again because he was still curious to know why they were here but Slytherin spoke in a normal tone which meant that he did not hear him from where he was standing. Gryffindor on the other hand...well it was hard not to notice his words as he literally boomed his voice through the arena.
It was only when the Headmaster told him to focus that he looked back to the young Gryffindor and he raised his eyebrows as he saw her stomping her feet.
”Why did he point his sword at Rasting?” he asked.
Before he could cast another disarming charm her way, they were called to a stop by the Headmaster and he pocketed his wand back in to his wrist holster as he continued the lesson. What was the worst consequence he could think of when losing focus?
”Other than getting killed, being hospitalized in St’ Mungo’s would be pretty ba------.” He stopped his sentence because the sound of Gryffindors sword dragging across the ground made him put his fingers in his ears
”Gryffindor SIR. Can you PLEASE stop dragging that sword on the ground!” This sound was a hundred times worse than dragging nails on a chalkboard!