PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): ■■■ judgement ______twelfth birthday | an almost-muggle"But why was he in my room?!" Q screeched, looking at her scorched bed, her singed clothes, the smell of burnt plastic still clinging to the air.
"Quinn…" her father warned, and Q seethed.
"This ISN'T fair Dad, why was Alex in MY room??" It was SO hard to be sympathetic when her room smelled of acrid plastic fumes! UGH.
"Quinny?" she heard a small voice say, and turned to see her eight year old brother, ashen faced and tear stained.
"WHAT." Q spit out, unable to help herself.
Biting his lip to keep from crying, Alex gingerly reached into his pocket to pull out a birthday card. Q's heart sank. "Mummy said… said I should put it b-by your bed.." he wibbled, and only let himself be led away by the healers once she took the charred parchment from him.
Gingerly, Q opened the card. "Hi Quinny!! I know you're not magic but you're the most magical person I know! More than Mum and Dad but don't tell them! You're the best sister ever and you always make me feel normal even when I'm not.
Happy birthday Q!
Alexander Ivan Chambers."
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____  _____________I could still change the end |