urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse S I G H.
Lucas was dreading this, uh, lesson more than he dreaded regular Defence lessons. While he liked Trent as a professor and a headmaster - even if they couldn’t see eye to eye on certain points - he....... was less than happy about the subject itself. And even less happy about the duelling part. A part of him knew that he wasn’t going to succeed in this, uh, class but an even larger part of him knew that it was still important.
And that was why he was here.
Pausing by the door, the Prefect took a moment to look around the setup of the room, a look of clear dread displayed on his face. This wasn’t fun. This wasn’t going to be fun. In fact, it was only making him subconsciously fidget with his hands more than he normally would. Mostly to give his hands something to do. "Hello, Headmaster," he said quietly, shuffling forwards and away from the door. Smile? Not today. Because he was only just focusing on something else properly. There was a STAGE in the room. A STAGE!
Was it too late to leave?
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