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First year. The 11 year old had not quite felt in her element yet. She felt confused and she missed her parents. And sister.
Lingering on these thoughts, she paced through the corridor and that's when she saw a boy, looking just as lost as her. Maybe they could be friends? Wouldn't hurt to talk to him. She approached him and smiled at him. 'Hey!,' she said. Okay, what does she say next? 'Nice view, eh? I'm Kaira, by the way..,' she said, as she turned away from the beautiful sight of the sky, to extend her hand for a handshake.
Tom was just staring around the place trying to figure out where he needed to go when suddenly a girl around his age spoke. "Hi Kaira, I'm Tom." He took the hand that the young girl was offering and shook it.
Tom then let go and looked at the view, it was actually good. "Well I would say I'm lost... but well I know where I am, I just don't know where anything else it." Tom tried to lighten the mood a little. "You see... even though I've been here a few months now. I feel like this castle gets bigger and bigger." He then remembered his manners. "I'm a first year Gryffindor."