connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow Someone re-write the history books. She’d been thwacked over the head by the actual Fat Lady and how many people could say THAT? She was basically famous now. Cora wasn’t phased in the slightest, not even when the woman started insulting her. She just couldn’t wait to tell Shiv. “Put a sock in it, lady. You’re making everyone’s ears bleed.” They could probably hear her from the ground floor, Heck, the residents of Hogsmeade could probably hear her. Although she’d pay to see Józef actually perform a duet with her. Just for the lulz.
It didn’t take long for others to show up. There was Carsyn, Islay and Cole with, FINALLY, Headmaster Trent.
She didn’t really have anything helpful to add to the discussion, but WAS suddenly struck with a thought. She grinned at miniature Stella in the portrait. “Hey, if you’re stuck in there forever at least you don’t have to do OWLs.”
Always a silver lining.
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