Thread: Duelling Arena
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Old 01-16-2020, 02:11 AM   #9 (permalink)
Godric Gryffindor
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Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 24

“Good work! Excellent work!” Godric applauded with much enthusiasm and appreciation for the pair that had gotten straight to work. The stands already began to crumble beneath their explosions. He suspected a couple more and the place would be appropriately levelled. That was...until the shield charm.

“What in the...?” Godric’s eye’s narrowed at the boy by the door. The one who dared question him while wearing those. “You will speak to me with RESPECT, Slytherin! Your blood status holds no sway with me, I am a Godric Gryffindor. You will not enter here and dismantle the work we have set out to do. Away with you now! If you won’t help, you will leave!”

Ever since that misguided Salazar Slytherin began letting that misguided lot into the castle it had all gone downhill. Cunning devils without a shred of honour. Watch how he could only talk big from so far away. Why didn’t he come closer? His sword and the boy could have proper words.

“Fret not, noble lions. Your work is true and just. We’ll continue heedless of this...pansy.”

Now where were they. Oh! Yes! “The stands on that side will need to go, too.” He paused, catching a glimpse of those green robes again from the corner of his eyes. “Begone, I say, unless you’re prepared for a fight.”
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