:3 • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Curtis fought the urge to snort, an autograph. "A handshake will do." Offering his hand out, he didn't even get a chance to share his name when they were interrupted. Ten. Points. TEN POINTS?! As if that wasn't enough, Curtis would lose an additional point per day Betsy is missing. What kind of school was this where you were punished for a pet running out of control? Okay fine, a spider didn't fit regulations for some reason but pets have a mind of their own. Curtis just stared at the Professor before him. So much for getting sympathy, stuff like that worked with all the Professors at his Primary school but this was a whole new level. He needed to try a new tactic... But at least he didn't have to waste fake tears on this one if it wasn't going to work in the end with getting away with stuff.
Curtis' head then jerked toward the Hufflepuff, oh dear, he didn't even know his name when he volunteered to help him. That was nice of him, then again he was in the house of... you know what, forget these reputations, Curtis wasn't going to hold them over a person's head if they were willing to help. "We'll get started right away." He was getting out of here now. He could imagine the Professor wanting to take even more points for just staring at him and not moving. Welp, not today. |