:\3 • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Curtis just stared at the Headmaster and then his father. Something wasn't clicking with him as he listened to everything they said and to be frank... This doesn't make any sense. They ask me a question and I answer and still get scolded as if I'm lying. Why bother asking? Curtis had long suspected that adult teachers didn't care and just wanted kids to do everything they say without question and expected them to be psychic. I don't believe this. This was very tiring for him to go through this again. If anything, he was learning that he was doing a poor job of getting away with things.
Curtis' arms folded against his own chest when his dad spoke with him. He haaated when he went this route with speaking so softly with command, something about the tone was weighing heavily on him. He couldn't even look up anymore. No, he wasn't feeling guilty, he just didn't like this power. He couldn't fight it. And he couldn't stay quiet at the Headmaster interjecting again on his intelligence.
"Stop saying that I'm stupid!" ..... There had to have been an awkward moment of silence just then. "... Sorry. Sir. That was rude of me and I should have control of myself." Curtis said, it may have sounded mocking but he did try to not make it sound like that. He knew he had to apologize but he just didn't feel like he should have to if it wasn't going to be genuine. How his train of thought lead this way was anyone's guess. But.. his dad was right there and he didn't want to be going back home over his poor performance. "...Sorry." Did that sound more genuine?
So what now? He was banished from the school? Oh. His second chance. This was going to be like his lack of lesson earlier, wasn't it? Curtis wanted to see if he could get a reaction if he went up and threw the desk over and kicked some things. Something to wipe off that blank look off the Headmaster's face like earlier. There was a sense of satisfaction at turning the tables over.
When he got up, however, that urge was wiped when he imagined the look on his papa's face when he hears about this. "Yes, Headmaster, sir." He was only going through with this for the people who he actually had some respect for. Maybe he did need them around. So he walked calmly out the door. Two minutes, huh? Was he suppose to knock again or just head all the way back to the Great Hall and speed back down here? No, that would be a trap, wasn't running in the halls against the rules too? Maybe he had to wait or maybe this was just some secret lesson for him to see what it's like to be a little bit early. Whatever the case, he was going to roll with this. So with around a minute and a half seconds left, Curtis knocked on the door firmly but without aggression. |