Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia Oh, good. Thirty seconds in and there was already an issue. It made Piers wonder HOW they had raised him to be so disrespectful. It astounded him, actually. And he was torn, because he knew Curtis was.. rather fragile, but he also needed to learn to respect the castle and the authorities of the Headmaster and the Staff. "Curtis," Piers interjected gently, but also in a slightly scolding tone. "When the Headmaster, or any staff member for that matter, is reprimanding you, you say 'yes, sir' or 'yes, ma'am', you don't make excuses. You think about why what you've done is wrong and what you should have done instead." And if that meant not eating an apple at all, then that's what it meant. Piers glanced at Trent apologetically, but hoped he would understand - this was detention, yes, but it was also parenting.
Anyway. Merlin help them all. |