:'3 • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Curtis barely got a chance to discard the apple core before his father turned up. What? Oh great. Now he's here too. Don't get Curtis wrong, he loved being about his dad, but he thought that he was being trusted to handle this on his own. It hadn't even been a day and the word went around that his father was a Professor. Not even leaving out "Thompson" when he signed his name deterred expectations with him. He quickly placed the apple core in the trash before sitting down. His mood already was turning south. What? Curtis stared at the Headmaster. He's doing this on purpose. Curtis was getting sick of being thought of as stupid just because he didn't think or behave like every other student. So far a lot of students followed these Professors without question. So mindless. He pitied them. "I was still hungry and didn't want to be late since there weren't any bins in the hallways." Curtis said as calmly as possible. He wanted to retrieve that apple core and throw it at the wall... but his father was right there and chances are his words were going to be twisted either way. As for why he didn't vanish it? Isn't Vanishing a fifth-year learning spell? He could feel his father's eyes wanting to shoot daggers if he ever pointed that out. Wasn't he taught to correct others on minor mistakes? How come only the adults were allowed to correct the younger ones but not the other way around? "I haven't perfected the spell and would hate to be late because I accidentally blew up something in the process." Welp, his tongue was held long enough.
Curtis didn't understand what direction these questions were leading to other than making him look stupid. His dad wasn't going to speak up cause this was his boss. Maybe he even agreed with him. Was he supposed to feel guilty about this? "Yes," Curtis replied to that last question. Now, where was this leading to? |