Originally Posted by
Weasley174 "Yeah, well it would be a really bad punishment right." Tom laughed, though he wasn't planning on finding out if it was true or not. He thought it would be a way of stopping him from misbehaving if he ever tried it. He had been naughty at primary school once before and he had hated the punishment. He had to stand outside the office whilst everyone else got to go outside and play.
"Nice to meet you Blake." Tom looked at the boy, then he shook his hand. "So what brings you here today." Tom smiled. "As I say, I've gone on an exploring mission and found this place. Sometimes I wonder if I should bring a snack and a drink with me in case I get lost."
Blake was intrigued by the new boy he had just met. Exploring did he say?? There was plenty in and out of the castle to explore.
"Find anything interesting around here." Blake had been too busy with classes
and Bernadette to do much exploring.
"I actually was looking for the transfiguration classroom, class is starting soon and I got all turned around. This castle confused me. I barely got use to the Beauxbatons' castle before we left there." Although Blake was not sad to have left the french home, they were rather unwelcoming.