<:3 • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • It was Sunday and Curtis did NOT want to be in detention. He figured just an after hour lesson would be good enough, but nope, the Headmaster insisted on giving him detention on one of their usual days off. This. Was. Not. Fair. Curtis pouted at the circumstances. He strongly believed that he didn't need to be told what he did was wrong, he figured it out, and decided on his own terms when he would not do it again. What was so wrong with that? Apparently everything. Why did he have to cater to other's time when no one catered to his own time? Curtis had all these questions that weren't worth the time to even publically ask. His father made him well aware on what he needed to do.
So he was supposed to be arriving here after lunch, right? Yes. But a specific time was given, so Curtis couldn't take his sweet time eating. He took an apple to munch along the way, he wasn't going to be late, he just didn't like to be too early. Being early meant more time of his precious time wasted.
By the time Curtis reached the classroom door, it was less than a minute before he could be considered late. He remembered to knock this time before opening the door to come right in. "Hello Headmaster, you're looking well today." He was going to be nice this time, with his best teeth-showing grins. "I'm not late this time, am I?" He briefly scanned for a trash bin to throw the remaining bits of the apple he carried in his hand. |