Ok. Naya was generally a morning person, but class at 7:00 on a Saturday? She was awake.........barely. Still getting used to be back in school and all. There was no way, however, that she was going to miss a road trip. This was going to be good and even though Naya was a little sleepy, she was ready.
Entering the room, she noticed the professor sitting at her desk.
“Good Morning Professor. I’m Naya and I’m really looking forward to this field trip.” Surveying the rest of the classroom, she said,
“Hello people.” “Hey Cole, she added, after spotting her fellow Gryffindor. Then she saw Jillian, her friend from last year. She hadn’t had a chance to see her during the feast.
“Hi Jillian, Naya said. Hopefully they would have a chance to catch up soon.
Naya found an empty seat and sat down before pulling her permission slip out of her backpack. Fortunately she had a few minutes to get herself prepared before it would be time to leave.