Name: Isla Olivia Bellchant
Charrie Model: Brooklyn Rae Silzer
Font Color: #9370DB ❤ MEET ISLA ❤
Name: Isla Olivia Bellchant
Nicknames: None
Birthdate: January 27, 2089 (currently 12)
Lives in: Chelsea, London, England
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: 11 2/3 inch swishy pine with unicorn hair core
Father: Harrison
Bellchant, age 32
Mother: Charlotte
Ollerton Bellchant, age 31
Younger sister: Ava Bellchant, age 9
Younger brother: Oliver Bellchant, age 6
A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Pippa
Before Hogwarts, Isla attended muggle primary and elementary school with her younger siblings. She was happy, had made lots of friends, and had spent years in extra-curricular activities with her muggle friends. She took ballet lessons at a local dance school and played basketball in an association near her house and school.
Had life just continued in the same way it always had, Isla would have been perfectly happy. Being a pureblood, though, she knew her time at muggle school would soon come to an end. She had grown up in a magical household in a pureblood wizarding family, and she was ready for magical school. When the 2100 school year came to a close, she told her friends goodbye, explained that she was going off to some boarding school that really didn't exist, and promised to write.
Isla is right at the age where there's a fine line between the innocence of childhood and the up and coming pre-teen years. She's had small crushes on some of the boys from school, but she hasn't had her first actual boyfriend yet. She's worn a little bit of lip gloss but never a full face of make-up. She still paints her toenails bubblegum pink and can't decide if her favorite hair bows should make their way into her trunk or not.
She's full of personality, loves to have fun, and is the complete opposite of shy. She's about 80% girly-girl and 20% not. She's the kind of kid that doesn't
want to get into trouble, but she's not one to pass up a good adventure either. Although she doesn't know she's a Slytherin yet, the trait that most likely got her sorted into that house is ambition. She's not very cunning (unless she has to be), and she honestly thought she was going to be a Gryffindor.
House: Slytherin
Year One:
2100 - 2101
- Sorting:
Text Cut: Sorting Post
It was good that Isla wasn't a shy kid, because as she walked down the aisle of the Great Hall and toward the Sorting Hat, there were 555, 600 eyes on her. Well, that was a big exaggeration. A really big one. First of all, she had no idea how many eyes there were in here, and even if she did, she doubted seriously they were all looking at her. It just felt like they were.
The firstie joined the crowd of other first years at the front of the Great Hall and waited impatiently for her name to be called. It didn't take long, because Bellchant, Isla was pretty much among the first names to be called. Isla had already figured she would be a Gryffindor, but it was just a matter of getting the hat to announce that. When her name was called, she stepped forward and took a seat on the chair, drawing a deep breath as she did so. How was it possible that this was one of the most terrifying moments and one of the most exciting moments of her life?
Once the hat was on her head, she felt it moving around, and she giggled at the feeling of it. "Hmm. A Bellchant child. Haven't had one of you in a while," the hat said. Isla's eyebrows wrinkled inward. A Bellchant child. Was that a good thing or a bad thing for the hat? She had no idea what kind of students her mom and dad had been...
"Determined to do well, I see," the hat continued. Isla nodded and made a face that said 'Yeah, I can see that, Hat.' It continued making some 'hmm' sounds and occasionally muttered something like 'I see.' Finally, it made its decision.
A super shocked Isla let out a small gasp. Wait. There had been some mistake. She was supposed to have been a GRYFFINDOR, not a Slytherin. Weren't the Slytherins the bad guys? Or the ones that became bad? She didn't want to be a bad guy when she grew up! "Umm, say that again, please," she whispered.
"SLYTHERIN!" the hat said, loud and proud. There had been no mistaking it this time. "Okay, thanks," she said to it.
With eyes that felt as big as quaffles, the eleven-year-old stepped down and walked slooooooowly to the Slytherin table.