Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite Kodee rolled his eyes in his most dramatic and unimpressed fashion at Stella and her self righteous spiel. "Boring. Next." Was his only reply before his attention was grabbed by the shuffling little Second Year. He hadn't noticed at first that Phoebe had shifted away, nor did he now, but what he DID get was her challenge. "As if. I've been running around this school for 5 years. Finding secret places for things you'll be wrinkling your nose about for at least another year. But fine. I don't need to drag you about if you don't want to have an epic night. Go to bed early. Follow curfew and everything else tonight. The rest of us will be having fun."
Far be it for him to try convincing her. Taking a screaming kid through the castle was how you got caught. Carrying along someone who wouldn't have fun made it less fun for everyone else. Suffice to say Kodee didn't care enough about 12 year olds to ruin his own fun.
Dakest though. Dakest he cared about. The look on the guy's face was all he needed to see to make his decision. "Changed my mind. Lucas, you're coming too. Listen up so you don't mess up the plan. It'll partially be riding on you, buddy." NO WAY he was leaving HIM back in the common room. That was how you got snitched on and he wasn't having it tonight. "Hey Ry." Very casually moving on to greeting his other friend. Yep. No choice here Lucas. It was a done deal.
Kodee listened to another girl that took her seat by them (Islay), nodding for a moment. "Yeah, we could. But now I've got a better idea. And anyway, it sounds like we'd have too many wet blankets to ruin the joke if we tried anyway." At LEAST three had shown themselves to be limp noodles in a dance club and he didn't have the tiiiiiime. "So everyone who wants to do something besides pass out from a food coma after the feast, listen up. Carsyn, if you're just gonna snitch, buzz off. Lucas, we've already spoken. I've got this idea for a proper Gryffindor welcome home--and welcome, for the new ones. BUT it's only for those with daring, nerve and who are brave at heart." Those were the conditions. He didn't make the rules, the hat did. Or Gryffindor did. But he was here for it. "Something SO epic, we'll be talking about it for weeks. Who's in?" He already expected the neighsayers to be out, and that was fine. Again, he didn't need anyone there who didn't want to be there. It killed the vibe--EXCEPT Dakest.
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________ 
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |