Join Date: Dec 2011 Location: In my dreams
Posts: 5,409
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jordyn Guidry Graduated x5
| dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff SPOILER!!: Lucas Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone Lucas was........ a mix of emotions.
He was glad to be back at Hogwarts. Really. Beauxbatons had been...... new. New and weird and he couldn't help but feel out of place during the entire time they were there. So to be back in the familiar castle, looking up at the enchanted ceiling, was enough to bring a small smile to the fifth year's face. It felt comfortable.
But looking down and specifically at the Gryffindor table, the smile disappeared. There were a lot of changes that made this year feel much different already, and he didn't like it. This was his first time being at Hogwarts without Emma, which only left him feeling sad the more he thought about it. Hogwarts didn't really feel the same without her, as if something was missing.
Then there was the fact that he felt older. Much older than fifteen, and it had everything to do with the badge that was pinned to his chest. Responsibilities, extra stress, extra duties....... it all felt like a lot. Then there was the pressure from everyone's expectations which only left him feeling more anxious than he already felt and-
How did Prefect Abra deal with this??
Lucas let out a very small sigh before forcing a smile on his face and heading towards the Gryffindor table. There was an unfamiliar face here (Louise) who received a smile and a small "Hey!" from the fifth year as he walked past. She seemed cheerful, didn't she? Huh.
Approaching the group of other fifth years, Lucas decided to sit down near them. "Hey, Naya. It's, uh, great to see you again." Was that awkward? He hoped not. It was just the truth, wasn't it? He added in a smile before turning his attention to the only other boy there. "Hey, Cole! You okay?" he asked casually, taking a seat opposite him and.......
...... uh? Carsyn????
Eyebrows furrowed, he glanced over at Cole and asked, "Is Carsyn asleep?" Already? Surely the patrol didn't take away all her energy already, did it?
Maybe he shouldn't ask. Yeah.
His eyes turned to the last familiar face and he gave her a smile too. "Hey, Stella, how was your summer? Do anything fun?" Please distract him. Please.
Hearing her name, Naya looked up. Seeing another friendly face, she smiled back. “Hey Lucas. It’s good to see you again too. I’m really glad to be back. How’ve you been?” Then noticing the shiny badge on his robe, she added, “Looks like congratulations are in order. Prefect huh? Nice.” SPOILER!!: Cole Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch Cole was scanning the staff table for new faces by the time Carsyn plopped down in the seat next to him and, rested her head on his shoulder. Looking sideways at his friend and very distant cousin he brightened up and tried for an enthusiastic response that probably only worked halfway. "I'm not glum...I uh lost three of my new rats on the train," It'd come out eventually. "Do you think Professor Sandhu will get mad?" Cause of the one pet rule? Anyway looking up at the ceiling and then back at Carsyn he beamed brightly "I'm super happy to be home. Hogwarts beats Beauxbatons by miles..." Lightly petting Carsyn on the head he asked "Why are you so tired? Did the first years give you a hard time on the boat ride?" Cole was playing with the cutlery as he let the minutes trickle by till the sorting started. He didn't want to wake Carsyn by his side so he sat very still when Stella came over to the table. Returning her wave with one of his own and a cheery smile Cole responded "Hi Stella. Yes, its so good to be back. I missed Hogwarts more than I thought I would." The castle had made a bigger impression on him than he had thought. "So how was your summer? Did you do anything fun?" Naya arrived just moments after Stella. Was it just Cole or had she gotten even cuter over the summer? Smiling warmly back at her he said to not keep staring because that'd be weird and awkward and it'd get looks and start rumours he didn't want. "Hi Naya, did you have a good summer?" He had missed her. Yes he had. Louise the chipper young redhead who he had been sorted into Gryffindor last year if Cole recalled correctly joined them. Glancing over at her Cole beamed brightly it was hard not to be smitten by this girl's energy. "Hey Louise. Did you have a good summer?" Cole's attention had shifted to Carsyn that was actually snoozing on his shoulder by the time Lucas arrived. He didn't see his friend and fellow fifth year until he sat down opposite him. Had Cole thought bad thoughts about Lucas getting perfected and not him? Yes and they had been quite colourful mixed with a lot of jealousy and some hurt. He couldn't tell his friend that, could he? Forcing on a bright smile and focusing on Lucas face rather than the badge that stood out, pinned to his chest Cole said "Hi Lucas! I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?" There was the rat situation but other than that he was wonderful, just peachy. "Congrats on the badge," he mumbled out before giving a glance to Carsyn and then back up at Lucas with a confirming nod. "Yep, she is asleep. Some first years wore her out." If he had gotten the gist of it right. When Kodee Chosen had arrived at the table he had no idea but Cole was sure of one thing. The boy had way too much self esteem an air he didn't like. He had always disliked people with giant egos and Kodee certainley had that. Kodee had a point though. The firsties deserved to be welcomed with a good story though..."Maybe we can make up a spooky story that an outlandishly big mama acromantula lives in the Gryffindor Tower with it's babies. It comes out at midnight to prey on pets and click hauntingly with it's razor sharp pincers.....Or we can ask Nearly Headless Nick took come demonstrate his nearheadlessness or we could gift them with bertie botts and puking pastilles..." Just some random ideasssssssssss.
And Cole......it was good to see him at the opening feast looking well. Last year, well that didn’t really need to be revisited. “My summer was good. It went by way too fast though. How was yours? What were you up to?” Was Cole looking at her a little strangely. Was something in her teeth? Maybe she was just imagining things. Maybe. SPOILER!!: Carsyn Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Her nap lasted for all of like ten seconds, which it could barely be called a nap at that point. She jolted upright when Lucas was asking about her being asleep and Cole responded that she was. "No, No, I'm not... I was just resting my eyes." Because literally that was about all it could be called. "Wait. How many rats do you have?" Because she didn't think they were allowed more than one. See, no one would complain about her mongolian gerbil special rat. "I didn't take the boats. More just pointing them out to the boats and then rushing to catch a carriage, but ended up sharing with some super chatty third years." Or that might have been second years, but either way they annoyed her.
She glanced over toward her dormmate (Stella) and nodded at her in agreement. "Hey Stel. Honestly though, I think being away from here made us appreciate it even more. Good train ride?" Also, she wasn't going to point out the new addition to her robes because she had felt guilty enough when she told Cole over the summer.
And there was another girl, Naya, greeting Cole, who looked vaguely familiar. Not in the she'd been there the whole four years, but Carsyn was ALMOST positive that she was in their dorm for at least a couple months last year. Maybe. But her name escaped her. "Hey, I'm Carsyn, Are you ... you weren't around for all of last term, were you?" Please say she wasn't going completely mental.
And another girl (Louise) who looked OLDER than a first year but younger than herself. Super friendly and super pretty too. "Hello ....??" She said almost questioningly because the girl didn't state her name or anything. "I'm Carsyn. You're like reallly pretty." Just in case she didn't know. Speaking of which, Phoebe was asking her about dying her hair??? Uh, Carsyn wasn't one hundred percent certain but she'd almost bet that the girl's hair was not dyed. It didn't look fake at least.
What was Kodee on about and why did he think it was against the rules to give the first years a little fright? She had to smile just a bit when he said for them (meaning herself and Lucas) to stop listening and shook her head. "Nightmare stories aren't against the rules." Just saying. "But for the record, I don't think spooking them with Nearly Headless Nick is the way to go just yet."
The Gryffindor table was really getting busy now. Naya was trying hard to keep up with all the goings on. Then, her other prefect was talking to her. Naya remembered her, but hadn’t really gotten a chance to know her last year. “Hi Carsyn. I’m Naya. You’re right. I wasn’t at school for all of last year. I had to leave early.....but I’m back and I have no intention of leaving this time.”. No she did not. SPOILER!!: Józef Quote:
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley Józef was more than a little bit relieved to be back at Hogwarts. At first there had been something fun about being at Beauxbatons, but ultimately he didn't like the fancy castle or the seemingly more strict rules they'd had to adhere to. The lack of Quidditch was probably the worst thing about it, of course - he'd been SO relieved to retain his place on Poland's under-17 team, even if he'd not competed in all of their summer matches. Not that he would admit that he'd been worried! There was no way a school year off would affect his skill. He hoped there would be a chance to play for Gryffindor again, though. If the Headmaster wasn't planning on letting them play this year, Józef had decided he would revolt.
Just then. As he approached the Gryffindor table, the fifth year realised how much taller he felt, and he was rather smug about it. He'd even managed to grow some facial hair over the summer although he'd shaved it off when he'd been informed that it was terrible and he just felt ~older~ and ~cooler~.
Which, if you'd asked 14 year old Jó, was a significant achievement.
There seemed to be a significant number of his year mates already at the table, and Jó was glad of that. Not that he didn't like the younger kids, but... Well, actually, he didn't care much for their company. No offense to them (Louise & Phoebe), but the children weren't getting greeted. He was a fifth year now.
With a grin and a nod to Cole, he offered Stella a friendly wink before slipping into the seat beside Lucas. Initially he hadn't been sure how he felt about his best mate getting the Prefect badge, but he'd eventually decided to be positive about it. It wasn't like Lu was gonna start making him follow the rules and all that jazz. BESIDES, he had his own Prefect badge secured rather haphazardly to his robes - it was the wrong colour, being Flynn's old Slytherin one (or, more likely, a copy his cousin had let him have), but it was THERE and Jó was absolutely going to use it to boss the first years around.
If anything, he probably had to worry about Carsyn more. Eyeing the other prefect across the table, Jó eventually settled for a grin in the direction of her and Naya.
He'd completely missed what Kodee had said, and (although he wasn't going to admit it) Józef was kinda annoyed about that. Kodee was cool, after all, and therefore had probably said something interesting and -
"Whacha mean, spooking them?" his gaze was drawn back to Carsyn "Nearly Headless Nick isn't even scary, he wouldn't do anything. Peeves would be a better shout."
Who were they spooking, by the way?
When Naya saw Józef smiling in her direction, she gave him a smile back and a wave. Everyone so far seemed to be really friendly. Maybe this year would be good after all.
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