Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Wandering all the way down the table and sitting in the middle or Merlin forbid the end was out of the question. She settled for one of the seats right toward the front of the table, finally giving her a feeling of blending in rather than being put on the spot. Her nerves started to calm down, and she was finally able to look around at her new housemates. "Hey," she managed to say. "I'm Isla Bellchant." A first year Slytherin, in case they hadn't caught on to that.
Fiona watched the newly sorted Slytherin sit down.
"Hey, Isla. My name's Fiona Jenovick," she greeted with a small grin.
"Welcome to Slytherin."
SPOILER!!: Claudine
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Claudine felt as though she was only now beginning her first year rather than her second year. She had tried to observe as much as possible as she was shepherded along to the Great Hall in the sea of students. She was quite grateful, actually, seeing as she had never set foot into Hogwarts prior and did not know her way around as yet. The Slytherin House table could not be missed because of all of the House decorations.
"Hello, everyone,'' the girl mumbled and hurried to take a seat far away from them. She ended up on the bench opposite to Kaiser whom she nodded to then turned her attention to the Staff. Familiar faces included de Nostredame (this was interesting). Claudine stared at Schmoe. What was he wearing? How unusual.
The Staff Dias lost her interest for the moment for she hated seeing so many new faces there. Instead, Claudine took the time to study the Hall.
Fiona spotted Claudine and quickly flashed her a small wave and smile.
"Hey, Claudine." SPOILER!!: Jillian
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Jillian spotted a few familiar faces (Kaiser, Claudine and Fiona) in the Slytherin table and some new ones (Curtis and Isla). Spotting also their Head Boy (Gunnar) who doesn't look like he's in a good mood. Still, Jillian gave him and the others a polite smile before taking a seat at the middle. She's quite shy around new people and that doesn't help her now that she's coming back as a prefect. She needs to be more comfortable in just taking the leap- talk to people. They're not going to bite... hopefully not literally.
"Hello, Jillian. How are you?" Fiona greeted with a quick grin.
SPOILER!!: Austin
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Austin piled in with the other students. He took a seat at the Slytherin table and glanced around at his fellow house mates. He also noticed one of the French teachers was here.
Huh. Why's he here?
Fiona noticed Austin sitting down and when she caught his eye, she gave him a quick wave.