Open! books and cleverness | i like you a latte
Jina was back in Diagon Alley. This time, she was alone, without her parents. She finished her school shopping in the previous week. Now she just wanted to look around some more. After visiting some shops, she found herself in front of Florean Fortescue's. She had in her hands a bag containing a few dresses from Madam Malkin's, another bag with some books for light reading. She put the bags down on a free outdoor table and sat down on a comfortable seat. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she tucked her long hair behind her ears. She wondered if she should get a scoop of ice cream, or just return home. Her eyes focused on the menu on the table. The flavours sounded delicious ... she should probably try one before leaving. But which flavour should she get?
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