Thread: Noticeboard
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Old 12-23-2019, 02:35 AM
hermygirl hermygirl is offline
Hufflepuff Noticeboard

credit: hermygirl

Near the entrance to the Common Room hangs a noticeboard, for students and staff alike to post important information. One half is covered in cork and scattered with yellow and black push pins. Here you'll find flyers, information about clubs and lessons, notes about lost property, and anything else people want to post. The other half of the board is a blackboard, with a small ledge jutting out with a number of pieces of coloured chalk allowing quick or informal messages to be easily left.

Current Classes
Upcoming Classes

Ongoing Long-term Assignments
Muggle Studies

Special Events

For easy reference: class rules
Axioms of Astronomy: A Rule Book
CoMC Rules and Announcements
Charms Rules & Expectations
Defence rules and expectations
Herbology Rules & Announcements
History of Magic Rules & Expectations
Potions Rules
Transfiguration Classroom Rules

ooc: Any Hufflepuff and/or Hogwarts Staff are welcome to post forthcoming or open lessons, assignments, personal notices (e.g. lost property) and general school updates here. It’s recommended to subscribe to this thread to get the latest updates.