Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Owl year was approaching! Cole was very relieved that they we're going back to Hogwarts in september. He had been out of sorts at Beuaxbatons and not really himself. Too many distracting thoughts about his dead mother hadn't exactly helped with his grades, it had caused them to drop. His father had had many colourful words to say when his grades envelope had arrived at home, like abysmall and dissapointing to name a few.
Pushing up the door to Potage cauldron's the blond going on fifteen youth entered with a loud sigh. Would a brand new cauldron help him change his grade in potions from troll to a minimum of at least acceptable? After a quick glance down at his fingers that he had seared during term that still had some marks Cole supposed that a handbook on safe potion making wouldn't be such a bad thing either. Going over to browse the cauldron shelves he wondered if bronze was better than pewter?
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