urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse It was Quidditch Camp day!
Sure, Quidditch was always Cece's thing and she was the real star but that didn't mean Sammy couldn't try it, right? Because Emm was trying it and he didn't want to miss out and seem uncool! And it might be fun. Cece seemed to enjoy it, so it couldn't be THAT bad, right? And Mum and Dad had BOTH played Quidditch, with Dad playing all the time, so it really couldn’t be bad.
Letting go of Mum’s hand, he wanted to skip over to the pitch and see if Emm was there already but he was stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up, his blue eyes found his Dad who started yap yap yappering on about Quidditch and tips and what to do if he got hurt. Yeah, he GOT IT, DAD! He wasn’t STUPID. He was a very mature nine year old, Mum has said so that one time.
When they were done, Sammy gave BOTH of them a hug at the same time and started making promises to be safe and to have fun and all of the things. Letting go, he gave them both a big smile before turning around and skipping to the crowd. There were some adults there but he didn’t really care for them. He was going to the girls and boys who were his age.
And Emm was there too! "Hi, Emm, I like your tutu!" They were going to be the COOLEST ones here. Mhm! But she wasn’t alone here. There were a BUNCH of people here (only two): a boy (Adam) who looked like he was his age and a boy (Archie) who looked much younger. "Hi, are you friends of Emm’s? I’m Sammy Summers." Smile.
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