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Old 10-26-2019, 07:05 PM   #40 (permalink)

TakemetotheBurrow's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Boston
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Everleigh Evans
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Luca Benetti

x12 x7
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿

SPOILER!!: Frankie
Originally Posted by Zoe View Post
"I can imagine he is. Seems like it," he commented, casting a quick glance over at the Minister before slipping a forkful of food into his mouth. "At least the food is making quite a statement this year," Frankie added as an extra detail after swallowing and diving his fork toward his plate to get another mouthful of nutritious delicacies.

While Emilia shared the details of her holiday with her family, the blond continued to fill his face (an Auror has to eat, after all) and he nodded his head at all the right moments. "Sounds like a good time." There was a brief pause as a slipped a spoon into his mouth and chewed on whatever had been scooped up. It was at this time he caught Alexa nodding at them, which he politely returned with a nod of his own.

Following a big gulp, the utensil in his hand was set on his plate. "My holiday was excellent, actually. Had a nice Christmas with the family, and then my wife went into labor on New Years Eve and we brought a little girl into the world shortly after midnight struck." At this point Frankie was beaming as he pulled out a picture from his wallet that featured the new babe, Hady, and his three other children.

"That it is." Emilia smiled, amused. Frankie seemed to be living his best life where the food was concerned and she was more than happy to continue letting him do so, taking a bite off her own plate and giving a satisfied nod of the head. It really was delicious.

A new baby! That was really all the brunette was focused on as the auror pulled a picture from his wallet and offered it up. She leaned in, her smile growing as she took in the happy family. "You've got a beautiful family," She commented, nudging him gently. "And your holiday was definitely more exciting than mine. Congratulations, really." She wondered what it'd be like to be that settled, a family at home, one you were responsible for. She couldn't quite picture herself taking something like that on at this stage in her life, but it was definitely something she hoped for in the future. Frankie's expression, alone, was enough to show how much joy it could bring to your life. "Is this your first night out since the baby was born, then?"


SPOILER!!: Adam/Zita/James
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Would she miss a big party?

Never, even if it was a stuffy Ministry event. After the last one, Zita said she'd never step foot in another event that was held by that minister, but here she was. She had been asked and she wasn't going to say no to Adam. It had been a little over a year since they had started their friendship or more than friendship?

Either way, she wasn't going to miss this, especially since she got to dress up and look really good. Knowing her outfit, makeup, and hair was on point she had put on the highest of heels and headed to the ministry. Stepping into the building she felt her stomach turn but reminded herself she wouldn't be going anywhere near that horrible department. No, tonight they would be staying in this fancy looking area and she was more than fine with that.

Not seeing Adam at first she walked through the crowd until she spotted him with a pretty girl (Mariana). If there was one thing Zita was it was the possessive type. Her heels clicked as she made her way over, "I can take it from here." Placing a hand on his arm she smiled tightly at the woman. "Adam I've been looking for you."

Another ministry event and another evening to be spent reminded of past times. Victoria walked into the event and stopped from the breathtaking look the other department heads had done. With everything that had gone on with her family, she felt bad for not being as available this break, but family came first and her daughters were still grieving their nephew. So her time with them was precious and she was glad she had done it. If she was being honest with herself though, she was glad to be back and glad the ministry was open. All she knew was work and it was what kept her going.

So, for now, she headed into the crowd to look around. She knew the silent auction had her name, but she assumed she would not be one of the Department Heads that would get many bids unless it was a sports fan wanting to see behind the scenes.

So many people were there, but one person stood out in the crowd and Victoria felt herself smiling. She smoothed out her dress without thinking and headed over, "Good evening minister, this is a very lovely party you are hosting."
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
The exchange did not slip by the Minister, nor did certain embellishments and despite how he had addressed the subject with Conley prior...he WAS a bit chuffed that he had not been informed! He was allowed to be a bit of a contradiction, came with the territory of being a Gryffindor and Minister for Magic. As well as a human. "Thank you. January truly knows how to whip people in to shape when it comes to these sorts of matters." And how to scale back because, well, Charles was always one to go a bit overboard when it came to parties. Something that had paid off for the World Cup but they had to maintain a budget, after all. "All possible because of the outstanding team of department heads we have running the country, wouldn't you say?" he chuckled while giving the man's shoulder another firm squeeze before his attention shifted to Miss Swan and he offered her a handshake.

"Games and Sports, if I am not mistaken?" Her application had stood out just a little because his granddaughter belonged to the house of Hufflepuff and was always writing him lengthy letters (of which he always memorized in their entirety) regarding her housemates. "You're in positively outstanding hands there. I personally guarantee it."

There was a bit of a mischievous wink tagged on to the end of that sentence as well.

"Ah, Miss Baines!" he chuckled at that OUTSTANDING greeting. Were this not a formal event he would have, perhaps, enveloped the young lady in a bit of a hug but...he was trying to be on more professional behavior. "I am QUITE well if I do say so myself. Placed your bids yet? Hmm? Hopefully nothing that outbids myself." Wink wink, nudge nudge.

And then Charles' keen blues fell on one Mr. Kim - a young man he knew far too well without having ever met the boy personally outside of the interview process thanks to the escapades of his precious peace of a daughter during her Hogwarts days. "AH! MR. KIM! Good to see you my, boy! Certainly looking forward to seeing what diligence you bring to the Minister's Office!" he greeted jovially.

His smile subtly widened upon Victoria's arrival. "Ah, Victoria. I had just been praising to to one of your new employees. A Miss Swan," he mused while glancing around for that same young lady. "Can I tempt you with a drink?" he inquired as he offered his arm. "I think I saw something with raspberries floating in a bit of bubbly and it looked particularly tantalizing."


Airey truly wasn't sure what to bid on, though he could see Andromeda enjoying the paintings in particular. She was such a gifted child. A TRUE Flamsteed in that right and so curious. He had not yet decided what to do on his own "date" - figured he would sort all that out when he saw who it was to come up with something fitting - but the thought of them winning an opportunity to babysit his terrific trio was quite tempting.

His thoughts were ironic considering the question posed to him by Miss Cambridge.

"This is not my first time up for auction, Miss Cambridge," he mussed as he turned from the tables to look at her. "Or have you forgotten the fundraiser held at Hogwarts? You were...a second or third year, I believe." The years all blended together after a while. "Our Minister has never been anything but a man of his word, I would consider it quite like an ionic bond and you the Carbon to parchment's Oxygen. Best you can hope for is that no one bids on you...though then that would be a true shame for the fundraiser. A true Kobayashi Maru training exercise."


James Summers was HERE. Though he wasn't sure WHY he was here. He didn't care for politics and Hogwarts hadn't exactly steered him in any good direction. But his publicist and stylist had spent the past few hours fitting him in his all black suit and tie with a smart pair of sleek black shoes that likely cost most than the family farm. Such was the life of being a famous model.

His latest campaign was going well and he had heard that all his individual poster prints were sold out in most markets. It inflated his head just a bit to think about all the doors, walls, and ceilings he was on all across Europe.

The man bun was gone for the evening, a choice from his stylist rather than himself because he had grown rather fond of the low man bun, and his hair was looking particularly silky. Something he had to remember to address whenever someone commented on it. He was a walking branding machine for the evening with set phrases to say with regards to his tailored suit, perfect blonde locks, and snazzy shoes.

Grabbing himself a drink as he effortlessly wove through the crowd - this was nothing compared to the launch parties of Berlin and Paris - James strut his much more polished runway strut through the Atrium without a worry about the budget for the auction he had been allotted. He wasn't so good with numbers and, really, his manager had been foolish to entrust any sort of funds with him.

It was mid-strut that he spotted....Zita? With her arm on some other bloke? Some other older bloke. Bloody was happening all over again. Though this bloke he felt he could probably take down if push came to shove. Getting pummeled to a pulp over the same girl was, hopefully, a one time occurrence.

Staring, a bit unabashedly, for a few moments at her...he casually and totally TOTALLY breezily took a LONG sip from whatever it was he had grabbed and slipped his free hand into his pocket...and then stepped up to this little HOMEY looking trio.

"Take it where, Zita?" he asked caaaaaasually, taking yet another sip as his eyes glared glanced at this chum and then over to the other woman (Mariana) Zita was being quick to dismiss. "You're looking stunning this evening, as usually." He was speaking to Zita and doing his best to sound posh in his tone - unpolished as he always was. "Summers. James Summers," he greeted the OTHER woman while offering his hand. "I'm a model."
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell View Post
Other…side…of the…room…. Adam fought down the urge to groan. Especially at the words ‘dance floor.’ How the heck was he going to navigate his way through that?! ”Oh…alright. Dankeschön...Fräulein -?“ After learning her name, perhaps she'd be so kind as to lead show him the way there. Or perhaps he should just find a table and –

The sound of clicking distracted him as did the hand on his arm. Adam’s hands scrambled for the big coke-bottle glasses. He truly hadn’t expected Zita to come to the party. She hadn’t yet seen him those terrible, horrible bug glasses and this was not how he wanted to introduce them. Not when he looked so smart in his green suit. And yes, he did notice Zita’s tone towards the young lady. He just wasn’t sure to what to make of it. ”Sita… I – “

He was cut off by the arrival of yet another person. This time male. A male who apparently knew Zita. Adam wasn’t sure how he felt about that but did know that he didn’t’ like the way this James was talking to Zita or the woman who was kind enough to help him before Zita arrived. Because, frankly, he sounded like a big jerk. Adam folded the glasses up and stuffed them into a jacket pocket. He clearly couldn’t see the man (to Adam he was a big blurry blob), but he tucked Zita’s hand into the crook of his arm and kept his hand over hers. Should he say something? He "glanced" at Zita. Perhaps it was better to let her take the lead here.

"It's Mariana and it's no problem at all." The botanist took the man's hand and offered a shake in greeting, wondering where he was from. His accent was thick, harsh around the edges, and she would've asked if it hadn't been for the woman who seemed to zero in on them. Was it just her or did the blonde look a bit like a lioness ready to pounce? Uh...

"Right, okay." Whatever was going on between these two, Mariana did not want to get in the middle of it. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Adam." Since that's what the other woman had called him. She'd just be going no-

Oh Merlin, now who was this?

Raising her eyebrows a bit, the brunette watched as the self-proclaimed model arrived to claim the lioness woman, much like she'd done to the visually impaired gentleman she'd been helping, and honestly, this was all a little amusing. Had she stumbled into a soap opera somehow and not realized it or?

Taking his hand, she offered James Summers' hand a shake, a small smile playing on her lips. "Mariana Medina. Botanist." She would have said it was nice to meet him, but the jury was still out on this little group that had formed.

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