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| Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁ SPOILER!!: Bernadette Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Forensics. Oooh. This was a word Bernadette had heard before, usually on a Muggle television show her dad liked to watch. FORENSICS had to do with MURDER, and she thought about scooting up in her chair a bit more and then raising her hand as usual and jumping up and down because she thought she wanted to SHARE this connection for her answer...
...but maybe she had better not. Her heart skipped a beat as she remembered one of the last classes she had taken. What if she said something stupid like that one time in Care of Magical Creatures, and then she lost her house MORE points? Maybe she should play it cool and let the older kids answer first? Bernie contemplated her choices, and slid further down in her seat until she was nearly at the point of falling off it. Finally, she got an idea for how to rephrase her answer, and scooted upright to put up her hand politely.
"Forensics has to do with crimes and like, solving them scientifically," she answered when she had been called upon. Her blueish eyes flicked to the board and then back to the professor. "I guess we could use potions to help us scientifically solve wizarding crimes?" Was this answer going too far? How could she stop now? Bernie had not quite learned the art of stopping while she was ahead. "For example, erm, we could use potion that could... pick up on um, wizard DNA left at a crime scene? Like hair? Or spit?"
Did wizards even use DNA? Bernie turned red at this sudden new thought. They probably just used spells in the air or something. She was regretting her choice to not just shout MURDER and leave it at that.
If Noble was surprised by the first year's choice to reply first, he didn't show it. For once, she was totally on point. "It does, yes. And we can use potions to help." If they couldn't, it would hardly make sense that he was teaching a class on it, would it? “DNA is just one type of evidence where potioneering can be used to interpret the evidence.” SPOILER!!: Cecelia Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Forensics? That sounded like VERY serious stuff, if you asked Cece. She wasn't EXACTLY sure WHAT the word was all about, but she had a feeling it was going to be complicated. "Bet forensics is science-y, Professor. It sounds like it." Was that a helpful response? "Like, the study of something." That part was helpful, too, surely. And apparently she'd been on the right track, based on Bernie's knowledge. How DID she know that? Cecelia would be seeking out HER expertise on this, did she KNOW?
Noble looked at Cecelia next…though her answer was a little lacking in specifics. "It is a science, yes." His eyes soon narrowed though. "However, science is not just the study of things. It’s about observation and experimentation… about having new ideas, testing them rigorously, and expanding our knowledge of the universe." SPOILER!!: Claudine Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Claudine had never revised as fast as she had in that moment. There wasn’t a moment to loose and she didn’t even pay attention to her fellows trickling in. At one point, the poor girl decided that the whole rushing to study wasn’t being helpful at all for one reason: as soon as she hurriedly read some notes, she would forget them. This was because she wasn’t taking time to process the information.
With a soft sigh, she gave up. It was at the exact moment that Noble got the lesson started. Forensic Potioneering? It was not a term she was familiar with. All she knew was that it sounded like something rather advanced and technical.
Claudine remained silent for these questions.
What was Claudine doing, hurriedly looking through her notes like that? Even if there was a test, which there wasn’t, cramming in that matter would hardly help her marks. Nor did it apparently help her in today’s lesson, given her silence. That was okay, she was a first year, and here to be taught. SPOILER!!: Patrick Quote:
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson With a sigh and his palm hitting his forehead, "Absolutely Professor. Too much studying this week." He got his pen and paper out to try and take down as many notes as were needed for the lesson. He had got to get his life in better order so he quit losing track of time.
Forensics? That seemed weird to be talking about in their potions class. But he supposed he shouldn't put anything past Nobel. Although he wasn't sure how exactly they used it in the wizarding world. He supposed they could use potions to get evidence from crimes. "What about using truth serums to investigate crimes" he scratched his neck, "since forensics are using scientific methods for solving a crime." He felt like so many of his classmates were going to give the same answer.
Noble considered the seventh year prefect for a moment. “So it seems. Perhaps a chat with Professor Fuller-Thompson wouldn’t go amiss.” His Head of House might be able to help with time management or some such.
As for his answer? Noble crossed his arms over his chest. “You would think truth serums would be an asset for forensic investigations, however there are a number of ethical and legal problems with administering it…not least being that even veritaserum can be fallible. As such, it is not permissible for use in court.” SPOILER!!: Phoebe Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Ooooooooh, that look. So dark. So grouchy. What a champ. Phoebe grinned hugely at the professor in response and promptly dropped into the nearest seat. What a very good time they were all having here.
Phoebe wiggled around as the professor got started, and her hand immediately went into the air. Even before she knew the question or had an answer, that hand was up. "Forensics is crime science! My mum studied forensic potioneering at uni and she uses it to figure out stuff about who committed crimes."
…the first years really were keen this year. And more impressively, actually knew the answer. “Indeed. Forensics is often used to help investigations into who may have committed a crime…it case help narrow things down even when it doesn’t fully solve a case.” SPOILER!!: Eiji Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Oh. He had been wrong.
He hated being wrong.
Which dictated his disappointment in the topic more so than the topic itself.
So the first step was to rid himself of his agitation for his lack of ability in reading the setup. Settling his quill in his hand, the fifth year took to labeling his parchment with 'Forensic Potioneering' and leaned back in his seat a bit. Grandpa had given him and Missa a tour of the Ministry over the summer and they had even been able to peek into the forensic labs of both Magical Law Enforcement and Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. Pity the Slytherin's attention had been completely divided and he had paid the areas little to no mind while they were whisked through them and grandpa rubbed elbows with employees while showing off his 'precious pea of a grandson' and his 'lovely as a lily girlfriend'. Those parts he had purposefully tuned out. But mostly his thoughts had been dazed and inebriated thanks to the Liquid Luck he had taken that morning after breakfast.
Someone had to make sure that he and Missa's commandeering of grandpa's Pensieve went off without a hitch.
But...anyway. Forensic Potioneering. What did he know? Remarkably a fair bit and not just from TV shows and books. So, why not. He supposed he could raise his hand and offer up something for once.
"The word itself, forensic, derives from the Latin forēnsis which translates to 'of or before the forum'. This traces back to Roman times where those criminally charged were beseeched to present the case before group of public individuals in the forum. Both the accused and the accuser would give speeches based on their sides of the story, just as we see in the Wizengamot today," he explained casually, almost in the same tone he would were he describing the weather. "This origin illustrates the source of the two modern usages of the word forensic. Once being the form of evidence and the other as a category of public presentation. Though, as my peers have illustrated, it is now mostly associated with forensic science. DNA, toxicology, fingerprints...these sorts of subjects." There were numerous subdivisions within forensics, after all. Though his favorite had always been toxicology.
The barest hint of a smile appeared on Noble’s lips; he appreciated the Latin as much as he did the potions. “Very good explanation, Eiji.” Hopefully the others in class had taken note. “And I’m glad you mentioned toxicology, or the study of toxins and poisonous substances. It’s one of the most common specialisations as a forensic potioneer.” SPOILER!!: Jillian Quote:
Originally Posted by hjhm Jillian laid her parchment and quill onto the side of the table, regardless if it were needed for today's lesson. She likes being ready... and especially in Potions. From the looks of it maybe they really will have a theory class for today. Guess that's still better than not having Potions class EVER. The horror. She immediately straightened her back when a person sat next to her, glancing at him, she recognized Eiji. Wait. Isn't this the guy that barely talks in class? Mainly because she has not once had a long conversation about anything with him. Anywaaayyy- Jillian gives him a soft smile as she reciprocates his 'hey'.
Forensic... Forensic...
Jillian was still playing with her thumbs when the professor finally started the lesson. The topic itself was something she knows but not entirely familiar with-- if that made sense at all because not all fifteen year olds touch up on forensics. Or do they? Or in this case, her seatmate. Yeah, what he said. Remarkable that he touched up on most of the general stuff. Bravo. And also, leave some for the professor. "Today Forensics is essential especially with criminology because on most parts it does involve a thorough investigation and research which will be passed on as evidence in the court room. And any evidence collected by the forensic team can be used by both the defense and the prosecution in many court cases" she answered.
Noble definitely appreciated Jillian’s preparedness, whether the lesson was just theory or otherwise. “Correct. Forensics on the whole deals with building evidence that can be used in the Wizengamot. In this country, suspects are innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. It is the job of the prosecution to present this proof.” SPOILER!!: Kaiser Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir That was it. That was Kaiser's cue to zone right out. He wasn't here for fancy stuff like forensics, he was here to sit down, follow a recipe, brew a potion, and leave. Anything else went largely over his head, especially when it included English words he didn't really recognise.
Trying not to look too disappointed, Kaiser slumped slightly in his seat and tapped the feathered end of his quill on the workstation. Everyone was talking about forensics being science, which could only mean that this would be one of those lessons where Kaiser would have to just sit tight and ride out the storm.
Ultimately, he had nothing to add, so he did what he considered to be the sensible thing and kept his mouth shut.
It wasn’t unusual for Kaiser to be quiet at this point in class, so Noble left him be for the time being. As long as he joined in when it was required of him. He was a decent enough potioneer, as his OWL grade showed. SPOILER!!: Blake Quote:
Originally Posted by love-for-HP Potions!!! Blake loved potions!! He was good at them to! So far everything he has tried in class turned out to be excellent. He didn't want to brag ... but he was pretty good. Smiling he took his seat waiting to see what kind of excitement class could bring him today. Pulling out his quill, parchment, and cauldron he was readying ... with a capital R.
…and another quiet one. Noble eyed the grin on Blake’s face, wondering quite what he found so amusing about the topic. He better be taking class seriously over there. SPOILER!!: Tina Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Tina had her supplies arranged neatly on the table in front of her, prepared to listen and take notes as the lesson began. As soon as she heard the question, her mood instantly brightened. Ooh, this just got interesting! Forensic Potioneering was an important part of magical toxicology, her chosen career path, so she had a feeling this lesson was going to be right up her alley. Once again, she eyed the vials on the demonstration desk with curiosity. Had she guessed correctly? Were they going to use forensic potioneering to analyze the ingredients that made up the substances in the vials? She supposed only time would tell.
For now, Tina focused her attention on the question at hand. She knew forensics used science to not only solve crimes, as her classmates had already said several times, but also determine if a crime actually happened. For example, medical examiners used forensics to determine a person’s cause of death and whether or not foul play was involved, and there were several branches of forensics dedicated to identifying forgeries in art and handwriting. But the more she thought about it, the more off the mark her examples sounded. The lesson’s subject was forensic potioneering, so she doubted there would be much overlap between her examples and potioneering. She thought for a few minutes, trying to frame her answer in a more magical context.
When she came up with an answer that made her feel confident - and wasn’t too similar to her classmates because what was the point in repeating the same thing for the umpteenth time?- she raised her hand and said when called on, “Forensics applies science to laws, both criminal and civil, but more commonly in the criminal sense - solving crimes but also determining whether or not a crime happened. In the context of forensic potioneering, an example could be analyzing the ingredients of a potion - or at least a substance believed to be a potion - to determine its effects.”
Hmm… that answer sounded a lot better in her mind than it did out loud. Tina stopped talking and turned her attention to taking notes, hoping her answer would be at least passable.
Her answer was indeed passable. Noble was impressed. “Nice example, Tina.” That was exactly the type of forensic potionering research Noble had done before coming to teach at Hogwarts. “And you made a very important distinction. Sometimes forensics is about determining if a crime actually happened, rather than just trying to solve it.” SPOILER!!: Lucas Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone ....... Oh.
Lucas flushed as he reached for his bag and started taking out his things, especially something to write with. But telling him not to worry was probably going to end up having the opposite effect. It was only going to make him even more worried than usual about things he had no control over.
But before he could think more on any of that, his eyes found the words on the board and he furrowed his eyebrows. Forensics? Did he know what it was and what it was used for? Yes. But not because of any extra research from him but because of the number of times it was brought up in shows and books about crime drama. It was hard to miss it, you know?
But he didn't have anything else to add. Not about truth potions or fingerprints or any of it. Instead of answering, the Gryffindor picked up a quill and started writing down his own interpretation of the meaning. And a little bit of what some other people were saying.
Noble saw the Gryffindor taking notes, and very much approved. Others should definitely be doing the same. SPOILER!!: Alessandro Quote:
Originally Posted by pundantic Alessandro was remained as quiet as he entered the room. He was polite, attentive but otherwise quiet. His peers seemed to have a grasp on the question and his own definition of the word forensic would only add to the chorus of voices around the room.
Besides, the word evoked a very specific image in Al's mind, which would not be productive to the lesson. First years could be so easily distracted, after all.
So, he sat quietly, jotted down notes, and waited for the lesson to progress.
Quiet and attentive were both good things in Noble’s book. The Hufflepuff could keep on keeping on, as far as his Head of House was concerned. SPOILER!!: Alexandro Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir As soon as the professor said 'forensics' Alexandre's mind went blank. Well, to be fair, it was fairly blank before that. In regards to anything to do with forensics, anyway. He did not know what that meant at all. It seemed like some of his classmates did, though. So he listened to their answers with barely undisguised awe on his face. Wow they were so smart to know all that. He bet his sister knew all about it because she was so smart and always knew everything. Here's what he got about it from the other answers: it had something to do with solving crimes. That sounded very cool and exciting, actually. Were they going to solve crimes in potions class? Probably not real crimes, but Alexandre liked to play pretend.
…Noble saw that look on the Ravenclaw’s face. That sense of wonder. Hopefully he’d still have it at the end of class.
As it seemed most things had been covered, it was time to move on. “So far, we’ve spoken broadly about the aim of forensics. Now I want you to think like someone who has a crime to solve. How might we go about detecting a document that has been forged? What signs could we look for? What types of methods might we use?”
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