Yes, okay they’re known as ‘dark charms’ but intent should really make a difference. If something doesn’t have a negative effect, should it really be labelled as dark? Biting his tongue, he made a few notes as the headmaster walked around the classroom and replied to the rest of the students in the classroom. “Well, like you said professor, the jinx can be countered” He didn’t mean to state the obvious but the professor had answered his own question. It could be countered. “But I guess once someone is inside, it would depend on if they had a wand or not. A witch or wizard could use magic to get out I guess but some creatures may struggle more. It really depends on what you use it for” gesturing around now at the bubbles that still floated around the classroom. Honestly, he was just surprised at the fact things could breath in the bubble. Or could they? He’d never been in a bubble before so what did he know. “Hey professor, how do things breath inside the bubble?” he asked, his natural curiosity coming out now. He assumed that there was some way to breath inside otherwise there would be a bloody trail of deaths behind this jinx. Maybe he’d get someone to cast it on him to find out? Maybe the headmaster would do it! "Do you think you could jinx me with it? I wonder what it's like inside", the mischevious grin on his face now spreading wider and wider.