10-10-2019, 10:16 AM
DADA Lesson 2 - Bubble Wonderland~ It's almost time for the holidays and while the classroom isn't decked out like Santa's vacation house, the Headmaster has sought to add a ....decorative touch to the room this afternoon. Indeed, when you walk in, it looks more like a bubble wonderland of sorts and less like a place where learning will take place.
Only knowledge of the Headmaster and his penchant for making you learn regardless will keep you grounded and stave off those frivolous hopes of a free period. It was never going to happen. At this point, it's only a matter of what and how you'll be learning.
Malachi stands in the centre of the room void of desks or chairs. He seems to be in his own little world, creating bubbles that float around the room while light, cheerful French music floats in the background. The windows are all wide open, curtains drawn with light washing into the room. There are also several fountains that create their own bubbles.
Peaceful, isn't it? OOC: Welcome to another DADA lesson!! Don't forget to read the classroom rules before posting. I'll have the first question up in 24-28 hours  The lesson hasn't started yet! CLASS HAS BEGUN! Class progression: Question 1 Question 2
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