Yes, it was very good of her to invite the Hogwarts students to the ball. It would be an evening of culture and refinement, something this....lot could certain make use of. They would see how the better half lived and perhaps even learn a thing or tw—
Giselle herself had a cup in her hand, ready to have a drink and toast to good relations with Malachi when she caught the feathers on his hands. The feathers that were spreading.
The Headmistress looked around her, shocked beyond words at what she was seeing. What was this? How...why? The words of the Head Boy caught her attention. A prank? Yes, this suspiciously looked like further rule breaking and bad behaviour and she would NOT stand for it. ”Oo iz responsible for zhis?!” She thundered, her eyes flashing from one Hogwarts students to the next. Oh, oh her poor students, they were caught in this cross fire as well. “No, mes chers, no, ar’ you alright? Doez it hurt?” Poor babies. This was surely the doing of those poorly bred, hooligans. “Speak up! I will ‘av namez! You will be severely punished! We do not tolerate zhis sort of zhing in our castle! Malachi! Handle zhis or I will!” The woman demanded. Ruin her morning yoga, would they? NOT ON HER WATCH!
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