Mischievous Niffler "AH!" exclaimed the professor as a first year Slytherin girl walked in. Krystal was her name, right? No, no, not Krystal. Gemma. This was Snozz's first year. He was a bit out of touch with student's names! No matter! "Please sit down, Gemma. Pick a chair, any chair. I think you might enjoy this conversation." He gave her a wan smile before turning back to face the young man. "Well, my dear Headmistress, the situation is most grave. A student was caught passing notes in classes which contained highly offensive insults about the staff - both yours and ours. I caught the little whipper snapper in the middle of passing such a note, and I told her that I would seek your counsel before giving out punishment. SO! I seeked you out, and..."
He stopped mid-sentence, and an immensely puzzled look came over his face. He turned and looked back to Gemma, the little Slytherin. "I'm sorry, would you like a snack while you're here? I can summon up anything you want with my wand. Just say the magic word. Not literally the magic word, that's up to me. Heh."
And then it was back to the "Headmistress." "You wrote me a letter (from your office, of course), recommending that I should cast a charm to turn her hair into the color of skunk fur. This charm will wear off after one year. Now I know the spell, but I just want to be absolutely certain that these are your instructions. I agree that the child must be punished, but I fear for the cruel taunts she'll endure from her peers if forced to wear a hair color which she did not choose herself. I think a detention may be more in order. But of course we are all guests in your house and I will differ to you, even though technically she's not even your student. Heh! So...um, what do you think?" "Your wish is my command." |