@ Barlow but mentions for almost everyone you wanna fite? | 💚 nickleback 💚 | Uh, anyway. Yoga = Yoyo if you squinted hard enough.
This was the joke Yoyo had had slinging around her brain all morning long. She'd attend to a conversation, or a lecture, or a something and then, suddenly and without meaning to the phrase would float right into the middle of her head and the first year would end up grinning all silly-like without meaning to.
so, to say she was pleased as she walked into the rose garden that morning was an understatement. Dressed in some powder pink harem pants and a matching pink tank top, Yoyo felt more like Jasmine than a yoga-star. She waved at the Professors, beaming in turn at Mathys, Schmoe, and Barlow. "Bonne après-midi! Good afternoon!" Yoyo said, hailing the teachers in both languages. Any chance she got to practice her French- even a tiny bit of it- was a chance Yolanda Uma Luna was happy to take. Where to sit? Now that was the question! Yoyo liked Professor Schmoe a lot so far but he looked really nervous, like really, really nervous and it was making her feel nervous so he was out, Mathys looked about as inviting as an acromantula... Which left (plenty of spaces everywhere) the seat by the one Professor Yoyo thought the most interesting. "Hello, Professor Barlow!" The Hufflepuff grinned, taking up the mat beside him and settling into Easy Pose. "Have you ever done Yoga before?" He was going to have a hard time of it in his robes.
There was Faye, her roomie- Yoyo waved at her from her seat- and then there was that tall German boy who'd sat with her and Phoebe, and Cece, and Teddy in Herbology, He didn't get a wave, but Yoyo did smile at him.
She hoped her friends would be here soon.
__________________ the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence