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Old 09-08-2019, 11:21 AM
Daemon Daemon is offline
Default 100 Drabbles for the Rider Way of Life - Sa 13+

thank you lauren <3

WELL. Hello. Let’s start with the fact that these drabbles are literally a decade in the making. I considered Rachel drabbles about a year after joining SS, then Benzi drabbles when he was around, and loads of times in between and after that. It almost really happened when Emma's personality started coming together numerous months ago, but now Coby is going to Hogwarts (!!) and I think I've finally found the motivation I needed. Or maybe it's because I have just about three generations of characters to work with now, both alive and deceased, so I can't use the excuse that "not enough has happened". Though, Merlin knows Jake Rider (may he rest in peace) definitely could have used a set of drabbles way back when. He might not have died to be honest, but I choose to not comment on that. Let's move on.

DISCLAIMER! The beautiful world of magic belongs to JK Rowling. The Rider clan belong to me, but there are several characters that belong to others who are integral to the Rider story. These wonderful creations will only be added with the express permission of their RPers and listed in this post.

Text Cut: Introductions & Family Tree Links
LINK 1 Small tree, only names, contains the information required to understand these drabbles
LINK 2 Big (big big big) tree, all the info, pretty pictures, loads of people

■ ■ ■ Fic about loss (Rachel & Benzi)

Some more information on the characters, in no particular order:
  • Rachel Rider-Mae :: former ravenclaw, class of 2071
    Rachel was my first character on SS. The spunky, feisty little Ravenclaw grew in a calculated, strong woman who's faults are hidden behind a perfectly constructed mask of contentment. I'll write a bio for her eventually, but because she's been around for so long... well, it's daunting.
  • Lucas Rider (dec.) :: former hufflepuff, would have been class of 2084
    Lucas loved architecture, which was a strange thing for a child to love. He wanted to be a world famous wizard architect when he'd grow up, design and build gigantic structures that would go to the moon and back. He didn't have very many friends, but he treasured the few who were close to him, especially his fellow Hufflepuffs. On February 1st, 2082, during his fifth year at Hogwarts, Lucas Rider died in a car accident, along with his sister, his mother and his father.
  • Alice Rider (dec.) :: former gryffindor, would have been class of 2087
    Alice always said she was born with a beater's bat in her hand. From a very early age, all she wanted to talk about was Quidditch. All she thought about was Quidditch. And when she finally became old enough to train with proper bludgers, she knew she was set for life. She'd be a beater for the Harpies and they'd win all the champions and nothing could stop her. On February 1st, 2082, during her second year at Hogwarts, Alice Rider died in a car accident, along with her brother, her mother and her father.
  • Rhea Nicolaides :: went to school in Greece, class of 2072
    Rhea isn't a Rider, but she's definitely an honorary one in Rachel's eyes. Godmother to both Benzi and Suri, Rhea was the saving grace of the family after the tragedy of 2082. She kept them alive, she brought them food, she pulled Rachel back from unbelievable depths of sadness. Rachel and Rhea met while they were both studying in London WU, and have been very good friends ever since. Rhea, a muggleborn but raised magical (a one-in-a-million, she always says), is a senior healer at St. Mungo's Hospital and knows exactly how many times any Rider has been admitted. Far too many times, in case you were wondering. "FAR too many times."
  • Relton Rider :: muggle, class of 2086
    Born as "Rachel's replacement" and raised mostly as such, Relton only came into his own during his 20's. A spoiled muggle child, he didn't much care about his weird uncle OR his 'freako' older sister. Magic was unnatural and as far as he was concerned, they could all die and his life would probably be better for it. Relton's attitude changed as he grew up, aided by meeting the love of his life; a wizard called Xander Ward. He always thought it amusing that while he struggled with his sexuality, he would also need to struggle with the beliefs he had been raised on. Today he's a proud daddy of two, on good terms with Rachel and her family, and endlessly making amends with Benzi.
  • Quinn Chambers :: squib, class of 2089
    Quinn first came into the RP world as an NPC; her role was Benzi's sassy squib girlfriend. She has since grown and expanded, she has a whole family and backstory, she grew up as Noel Wallace's next door neighbour and she is (in case this wasn't immediately obvious) one of my favourite characters that I've ever created. She even has her own SS50 thread!

1. Gilt 2. Nobility 3. Rushing 4. Warmth 5. Crimson 6. Righteous 7. Fury 8. Sword 9. Kingdom 10. Roar

1. All night study session 2. Overdue library book 3. Overthinking 4. Riddle of the Sphinx 5. Eclectic 6. Obnoxious 7. Bronze 8. Dictionary 9. Point Me 10. Diadem

1. Spring 2. Summer 3. Fall 5. Feast 5. Winter 6. Snowball 7. Yule Ball 8. Orchideous 9. Lumos 10. Nox

1. Fire 2. Water 3. Earth 4. Air 5. Wood 6. Metal 7. Flagrate 8. Duro 9. Aguamenti 10. Wingardium Leviosa

1. Cuckoo 2. Eon 3. Era 4. Hourglass 5. Timeturner 6. Pendulum 7. Sundial 8. Past 9. Present 10. Future

1. Herbology 2. Transfiguration 3. Defense Against the Dark Arts 4. Astronomy 5. History of Magic 6. Charms 7. Potions 8. Hogwarts, A History 9. Homework 10. Cauldron

1. Muggle Studies 2. Ancient Runes 3. Divination 4. Care of Magical Creatures 5. Arithmancy 6. Dragonhide gloves 7. Duel 8. Quidditch 9. Hogsmeade 10. Apparition

1. Patronus 2. Wand 3. Boggart 4. Expelliarmus 5. Incarcerous 6. Dumbledore's Army 7. Undetectable Extension Charm 8. Unbreakable Vow 9. Unite 10. Stupefy

1. Sorting Hat 2. Telescope 3. Quill 4. Dress robes 5. Common room 6. Whomping Willow 7. Portraits 8. Headmaster 9. Staircase 10. Dungeon

1. Veela 2. Kneazle 3. House elf 4. Owl 5. Pureblood 6. Muggle 7. Animagus 8. Thestrals 9. Leprechaun 10. Goblin

Text Cut: This might get long
  • Benzi
    __defence against the dark arts; undetectable extension charm; fury; wand; riddle of the sphinx; future;
  • Rachel
    __defence against the dark arts; divination;
  • Suri
    __undetectable extension charm; headmaster; crimson;
  • Emma
    __fury; riddle of the sphinx; future;
  • Lucas & Alice
    __care of magical creatures;
  • Rhea
  • Quinn (Q as a teenager)
  • Jacob (Coby)

  • Mohamed Sahnoun :: red account; headmaster at Hogwarts, 2090-2091
  • Bernard Rider-Mae :: D.A Forever; Rachel's husband
  • Noel Wallace :: Samia; Benzi's best friend
    __riddle of the sphinx;
  • Clara Wilde :: Natalie; Benzi's fiancée


13.3. defence against the dark arts;
when: 2078
where: Rachel Rider's small London flat
who: Rachel, Benzi

"Muuuuuuuuuum! What's dada?" Benzi called out, huddled over a parchment dated 2071.

"Where did you find that?" Rachel returned to her study with a small fruit bowl, which she placed in front of her eight year old.

"Up there!" Benzi grinned toothily. "I wanted it, so I reached up an' it came to me! What's it mean?"

With a laugh, Rachel glanced down at her old NEWT scores. "Defence Against the Dark Arts. We learn it so we can protect ourselves from bad people."

"Oh." Benzi was pensive for a moment, then he shrugged. "Can I go play football now?"