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Old 09-07-2019, 02:41 PM   #81 (permalink)
Formerly: Tegz
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ronnie Thurkell
Seventh Year

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Default moving on to mini activity!
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

SPOILER!!: replies
Originally Posted by malfoygrl View Post
She jotted down everyone's answers about how to make a magical garden. These could be tips to show her mother when she had a spare moment.

Gemma felt a sense of pride for her response. Maybe she had learned something from her mom. Her small burst of happiness quickly diminished looking at the board full of notes.

It was far to early to be thinking this much. Were all her classes going to be like this? There was so much to write. Was her hand cramping? Maybe. But that wouldn't stop her from writing everything down. Dotting every 'i' and crossing every 't.'

...Herb spiral? Did her expression reflect how confused she was? Maybe she'd have to make time to visit the Professor after class to discuss this more on one. Slowly she began to understand what she was writing down until the hit the Druidic Elements.

These are made up names. She was convinced. Sure certain spells sound like a bunch of gibberish squished together but this was entirely new. No way was she going to even attempt to answer this. Instead she was writing down everyone's answering hoping that something would make sense to her or it would all click after Professor Beryl explained.
Gemma wasn't the only student looking a little confused and overwhelmed, but Professor Beryl was not concerned, they had the whole year to full develop their understanding and apply it to the main project, and she would be there every step of the way to assist them. She noted the girl taking notes and smiled approvingly. That was important, and the reason she insisted they had working journals.

Originally Posted by hjhm View Post
Whoooaaaah. That list is long and a boat load. Then again, plants are very delicate so she's not really surprised that it takes so much planning just to set up a garden or a greenhouse. Jillian took notes, copying everything what Professor Beryl had written on the board, right beside her parchment is the handout given to them.

The lesson proper for Herbology has finally began. Jillian's knowledge in Herbology revolves around basic lessons. Plants never really appealed to her the way it does to others. She listens attentively just in case their will be words that might seem foreign to her. She understood most of what the professor has said and explained and made sure to take notes, scribbling them on the right side area of her parchment.

Three Druidic Elements apply to a spiral garden?

Hmmmmmmm.... She stared and read the handout. She knows about herb spirals but she also doesn't know THAT much about it. Explaining it seems a lot harder than she thought but it's best if she tried, yes? "These 3 stages complement each other. If you take one away the entire thing will not be as successful as it should be" did that make sense? Or was she just rambling? "And it needs to be exact because rearranging these elements might result to failure" she added.
When Jillian put her hand up, the professor listened attentively. "They do complement each other, yes. It is a very holistic system, with all the elements interplaying with one another. Good thinking, Jillian."

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Good thing this was Herbology and not Arithmancy or something, otherwise the amount of notes that had just appeared on the board may have frightened her. Plants were her thing and no amount of information was going to be ignored. Everything that appeared on the board was written down neatly, a few key points even being underlined for easier reviewing at a later time.

Spiral garden. Druidic Elements.

It was a lot to take in a process. So much so that Rylee was still jotting down notes as the handouts were given out. Her blue-gray eyes shifted onto the parchment reading over it's entirety while those around her offered up some input towards the question that was asking.

By the time it was her turn to answer she smiled at the Professor, her hand in the air. "I definitely agree with what everyone has been saying... I feel like the Druidic Elements could have duel meanings to them though. That they may not just stand for the life cycle of plants and herbs or the different areas of a spiral layout but perhaps both." It made sense in her mind. Each element complimented the other and if one wasn't present the growth of the herbs/plants would be a failure. This also applied to the layout as well. "Professor, would a spiral layout and the Druidic Elements be beneficial with other plants rather than simply herbs? For instance say... the growth of particular flowers?"
Rylee got a smile right back and Carmine listened closely to the girl as she began to answer, making her agreement with the life cycle concept clear, though Carmine was also pleased to hear her elaborating on her answer. "Yes, you can use a spiral shaped garden for flowers."

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Cole was glad that his first answer had been good enough. He didn't see himself as a green thumb but someone who for now tried his best to learn what he could both theoretically and practically in the vast subject that was herbology. One thing that got clearer as he grew was that if professor's talked very lengthily then his mind tended to drift off from the topic. It wasn't that he wasn't interested it was just that it was hard to keep the concentration up. Cole dutifully copied down all the notes on the blackboard as they we're handed out handouts about the three druid element's. He read through the handout several times trying to make sense of what Professor Beryl meant as his peers started to sprout out answers around him. He was a little reassured by the fact that his cousins didn't raise their hands right away either.

Relaxing Cole got an idea for an answer and raised his hand trying to word his thoughts coherently. "In my mind it seems that the three elements sums up what is needed to get a healthy, thriving and growing garden all year around that both herbs, people and wildlife will enjoy spending time in and without them you might mess up. The Nwyre stands for the spirit and love you need to give each herb. The Gwyar helps with the natural life cycles from seed to adult herb/plant and the Calas stands for the stability and assurance that the garden will last through the years." Maybe he was off base, but this was deep herbo stuff.
"That's a good interpretation, Cole, thank you." Professor Beryl responded.

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Cecelia was trying her very best to listen, she REALLY was, only the more they got into the lecture, the more she found herself getting lost. There were a LOT of big, important words being used and in the time she took to scribble them down and define them, the professor was on to something else. Druids and plant magic and permaculture, oh my! With each new fact, Cecelia's eyebrows went higher and higher and were practically in her hairline by the time she received her handout. At least THIS meant she'd have a moment to digest the information while she tried to make sense of the elements listed in front of her.

Hand up after quite a while, Cecelia offered what was really the only thing she had come up with while staring at the unfamiliar words in front of her. "The g-gwyar one, and all that stuff about having a flow of change, well the spiral sort of makes that possible for the herbs. The shape allows them to grow and thrive along the path of the spiral as it expands outward from the that's sort of like movement in a way, too. The widening of the spiral part." She looked from the professor to the paper and back again, her expression thoughtful. Did that make any sense? Her brain kind of hurt from trying to MAKE sense of it, if she was being honest. It was all VERY interesting stuff, though. It was.
Professor Beryl gave the first year an encouraging nod. She knew it was a lot to absorb but her own two were more than capable so she was certain the rest of them were too. She nodded throughout Cecelia's answer. "There's certainly a lot of movement inherent in the spiral shape, good answer." She said.

"Alright, you all seem to have gathered that the Three Druidic Elements can be applied to the life cycle of the plants, but we can map these elements very literally to a garden with a spiral design. Nwyfre is represented by the spiral shape as a whole, as well as the care and conscious planning we put into the design of the garden, and our enjoyment of its beauty; calas is represented by the materials used to build the spiral, and by the soil, and also by the plants themselves taking root; and gwyar is represented by the flow of water from the top of the spiral to the bottom, as well as the growth patterns and appropriate placement of the plants within the spiral form. The Three Druidic Elements are interdependent on one another, and apply to any type of garden of course, but the spiral design embodies these concepts in a very substantial way." Professor Beryl said. "I'd like you to keep those things in the back of your mind as we move on, because now I have a little activity for you all." No gardening yet though.

"The herbs and plants you see here on this central table, regardless of if they are a magical plant or a more mundane plant, all have one thing in common: they all have medicinal uses. Some are used in muggle herbal tradition, some are used only by witch and wizardkind, either in their raw form or as ingredients in potions." Professor Beryl began to introduce their task.

"Medicinal herbs and plants are not necessarily safe in their natural form. They can have negative effects if inappropriately handled or ingested," OR, licked. Here's looking at you, Phoebe James. "For instance, some may produce oils on their leaves that could be toxic to the touch, some might have roots that are safe to eat but the berries they produce could put an elephant to sleep, but then there are some that just smell lovely and you can use in your cooking if you like as they won't harm you one bit unless you happen to have an allergy of some kind. Also consider that there are dangerous magical plants which like to disguise themselves as more mundane, safer plants, so you need to be able to identify the differences between them." though no, there was no devils snare masquerading as flitterbloom here today.

"This means that unless you know exactly what a plant is, and how to handle it, you should NOT touch it. As we begin this next activity, nobody should be touching any of the plants. You may smell them, and you may look at them, but unless I tell you directly, you do not touch." And that was a standing rule as well as common sense. And it went for the ones that everyone knew were safe, too.

"So, consider the shapes of the leaves, the colours, the textures you can see, any flowers or fruits, the scents that you can smell. I would like all of you to identify at least ten of the herbs on the table and make notes on how you know what they are. You can use your textbooks to help sleuth out the answers. You can get up and move around now, and then return to your seats when you are done. You can discuss amongst yourselves and work together if you like, or you may work on your own. You've got fifteen minutes."

ooc: This is our mini activity! Under the spoiler cut are the herbs and plants that are definitely on the table (this list is OOC, your character doesn't know!). Your character is tasked with identifying ten of them (they don't have to identify them all!) Note that some of the listed plants are magical/fantastical so you won't find much information for identifying them by googling. Where known I've included the fancy pants Latin names. As the students are allowed to use their textbooks as references, feel free to use teh internets to find information that might help them out. Beyond that, their success (or lack of it!) is up to you. You have approximately 48 hours, but depending how activity is I might add on another day. Any questions feel free to PM me, and you are welcome to address Professor Beryl in your posts too. There's no minimum number of posts - if you want to do the whole lot in one, that's fine, its up to what your preference is.

As an aside, given there's the option of working with others, If you decide you want to work with others, please be mindful and check if anyone is asking for someone to work with before you make a post expecting someone to approach your character - I don't want to see a bunch of posts in a row asking for someone to work with your character! If someone has already asked, have your kid go and work with theirs!

SPOILER!!: OOC plant list

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Betony (Stachys officinalis)
Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
Comfrey(Symphytum officinale)
Dittany (Origanum dictamnus)
Elecampane (Inula helenium)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Indian Snakeroot (Rauvolfia serpentina)
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
Lovage (Levisticum officinale)
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Rue (Ruta graveolens)
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Scurvy grass (Cochlearia officinalis)
Silverweed (Potentilla anserina)
Star Grass ( Aletris farinosa)
Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Sweetflag (Acorus calamus)
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Tormentil (Potentilla erecta)
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
Vervain (Verbena)
Watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you

Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 09-07-2019 at 02:47 PM.
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