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"Since 2083 ..." Ethan gave by way of response. Because obviously the example was oddly specific.
Wait. Oh. She was one of the hyperactive kids he was talking about?? "Almonds or walnuts... what about peanuts? Pecans?" There were other kinds of nuts besides just two, after all. Including the nuts who attended and ran Hogwarts, but he wasn't about to eat them, because no to cannibalism. "I suppose I can't avoid you forever, huh? Wonder if they have ones specifically marketed to increase brain activity." Also she was way too pretty for him to avoid, just for the record.
Nora smiled, beamed at the confirmation. "
Oh, then prepare for a good birthday celebration on my part, and since you mentioned you don't like sweets, I'll try to prepare something other than chocolate muffins..." Let's see if he says no to that.
"Go easy on the peanuts, lots of greasy components that cause pimple attacks. I know better." She said, pointing to her forehead on some spots. Life of a teenager. Sigh. With a wide smile, she took a turn onto the next hall of goodies, Superman pose as she walked. "
They don't tell you it's for that, I read it from a Muggle science magazine." Just clarifying.